Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You walk over to the two strangers. They seem engrossed in their conversation.

Eyepatch girl: Oh, come on! What do you want for it?

Comfy-jacket girl: You know what I want.

Eyepatch girl: I'm not doing that! Come on. I'm not gonna talk with a damn-

Jack: Excuse me.

The two girls stop conversing to look at you. The one with the eyepatch tilts her head slightly while the other simply seems unintrested. They merely spare you a glance before scribbling something on a piece of notebook paper.

You make good use of your charisma and try to speak as charmingly as possible.

Jack: I don't believe we've ever met before. Do either of you lovely ladies care to give me your name?

You give them a bright smile.

Neither of them seem to be affected by your charisma. You guess their charisma stat or intelligence stat is higher than yours.

The eyepatch girl gives you a grin.

Eyepatch girl: Hey there! You must be new, huh?

There is something off about her smile.

Shirley: My name's Shirley. The grump over there's named Ku.

She stands up, trying to look intmidating. It works.

Shirley: You didn't hear a single word about what we were talking about, did you?

Jack: Um. I-I didn't understand it?

Shirley's smile returns to 'normal' and takes her seat.

Shirley: Good! Now, I don't mean anything bad, but you should probably run along first.

Shirley: Me and Ku got something to discuss.

Ku: Tch.

Ku glares at Shirley before turning to you.

Ku: It really was nice meeting you.

Jack: ...Same.

You politley wave a goodbye (Shirley waves back a lot more enthustiastically, while Ku simply nods,) before deciding to check on the sleeping person.

Upon closer inspection, you can see some small horns peeking out from their fluffy hair (which now reminds you of wool). You guess they must be half-creature.

Aside from being in a deep sleep in a libary of all places, they seem fine and enjoying their nap.

You look curiously at their notebook. It's scribbled with runes and their translations.

Should you wake them up, or do something else?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure - by wiltingMyosotis - 05-23-2017, 12:21 AM