"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
So in my dream, there was some guy (he wasn't literally me, though he might well have been figuratively me?) who was ranting about Hussie and how much he sucked etc. There was also some weird kind of... horror racing game involved? Definitely a transparent ripoff of Slender.

But for whatever reason, he/I/whoever decided to give this other racing game by Hussie a shot. All I distinctly remember was that it involved lion dinosaurs (which were stupid and legitimately disturbing at the same time), and that instead of a finish line proper, the end of the course had the guy waving the checkered flag - a duplicate of your character - suddenly turn into a skeleton, and then his skull sort of turned upside-down, and then when you hit the rope it briefly cut to your character in a noose before exiting, or something.

Then I woke up.

( Incidentally, while contemplating that dream I realized why I find Slenderman to be a dumb monster; it's because of his design. The concept is quite clever, but the actual appearance is "some really lanky guy in a suit, and I guess he has no face." I get that it's deliberate minimalism uncanny-valley sort of thing, but I just find it kind of half-assed compared to "titanic beast that is roughly analogous to some guy with an octopus head because that is the only way our tiny minds can manage to perceive it" or "victim covered in horrible burns, with a cobbled-together outfit and a glove made of razors" or even "guy in a stained apron, his face obscured by a disconcertingly sharp and geometric cage."

Actually all things considered, Pyramid Head's design is kind of similar to Slenderman's, in that he's a No-Face Man. But I guess the very angular and totally alien design is more imposing to me than "oh uh he just has no face I guess?" )

Messages In This Thread
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares - by MaxieSatan - 11-14-2012, 06:05 PM