Earth Escape

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Earth Escape
RE: Earth Escape
Author's NoteShow

Quote:>Let's not be too hasty and judge the situation before the facts are all in place. This could be a terrifying lab of horribly painful and amoral experiments, OR it could be that you've stumbled onto a harmless movie studio between filming sessions. Honestly, this could be your big break into showbiz.

Quote:God you're such a downer Jaque can't you see this is in fact wicked fucking sick and also rad as hell

[Image: tumblr_opmcv8XUgU1tbnguso1_1280.png]

Yeah. Right. It might be okay. It might be fine. Not gonna freak out. I’m good. Tooootally good.

Quote:>Look at those monitors! Someone or something has been keeping tabs on your situation. That means they still might be nearby, recording this all like some sort of twisted game!

[Image: tumblr_opmcv8XUgU1tbnguso2_1280.png]

Jaque snaps their attention to the screens in the far back of the room. One of them appears to have been monitoring us. Another camera is watching a hallway while the screen beside it is either turned off or completely broken. The last screen shows...

[Image: tumblr_opmcv8XUgU1tbnguso3_400.png]

...some ungodly monstrosity. Needless to say, this isn’t doing wonders for Jaque’s stress-level.

Oh great cosmic entity what is that… that thing?

Steady there, Skibber, you’re going to need to put a cap on that anxiety. We can’t afford a panic attack. Oh and, this should have been obvious, keep your voice down. We don't know what's in here.

R-right… Right. Sorry.

Quote:>Quickly and quietly check for threats/enemies. If none are found, perhaps popping out an ally or two would be helpful?

[Image: tumblr_opmcv8XUgU1tbnguso4_1280.png]

Threat level really depends on where we actually are. At first glance, nothing seems to be attacking us. There's a distinct temperature drop in here from the room despite the warm lighting. Enough to be noticeable but not enough to make you shiver. We can hear a faint buzzing from the monitors, some low and steady beeping from machines, the faint wisp of air being filtered through vents and some soft dripping from...somewhere we can't see.

Unless this is an extremely elaborate charade, everything in here feels very real. Severed alien heads hooked up to machines, bodies held in stasis, steel tables with binds, overhanging metal claws… It would make an amazing movie set if it was one, but I doubt it.

My system is still fried from the hit we took earlier, but my scans are showing, not including us, two signs of sentient life in the immediate area. The rest are either no longer with us, or held in deep stasis. Other than general warning signs, I detect no threats in the room just yet.

[Image: tumblr_opmena7hJD1tbnguso1_250.png]

So... we’re safe?

For now, yes. It looks like we’re in here with other off-worlders. We should look for an ally. We’ll have a better chance of survival if we’re not alone. Especially if they know the area.

Yeah. Yeah, okay.

~Jaque steadies themself~

Quote:>knock on the bunny boi's glass enclosure. Be annoyingly loud too while repeating "what's up doc?" like a broken record.

Hmm. I wonder...

[Image: tumblr_opmcv8XUgU1tbnguso5_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_opmcv8XUgU1tbnguso6_500.png]

[Image: tumblr_opmcv8XUgU1tbnguso7_500.png]

Excuse me.

~Jaque jumps in surprise at the sudden voice~


Oh! H-hello! I was just about to--

‘This bunny’ is female, and if you're thinking of taking that Graveyard suggestion to heart, there’s a human scientist here who asks me that every day. Do you really want to know ‘what’s up’, or do you have some more substantial questions in mind?


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