Another Me - Your number has been called!

Another Me - Your number has been called!
Another Me - Your number has been called!
[Image: 812rIbr.png]

Hey there! I'm Naem and I'm one of those sorry folks who had an adventure going in the MSPA Forums back in the day. Then, last year, a bunch of circumstances came together and I kiiind of didn't update for over a year. But now I've finally decided to rise from my grave and, well, I'll do my best to keep at it!

We're not terribly far into the story, so please don't be afraid to use that mirror link up there to catch up. But just to provide a brief summary...


And really, I think that's all you need to know for now! Please enjoy the update I've had sitting in my hard drive half a panel away from completion for over a year now, and thank you for reading!


> Were you trying to send them a letter via birds?

[Image: sAaIZBQ.png]

CLOVER: Listen, nobody uses courier pigeons anymore, and I'm guessin' there's a good reason for that!
SELENA: ... What?
EFFY: Shhh. L-Let her tell the story, Clo!
SELENA: Thank you~ Now, as I was saying...

[Image: OwQlfrC.png]

SELENA: I've been trying to see someone again! The tricky thing is, she's dead.
CLOVER: ... What??
SELENA: Yeah, which makes things complicated! But just a few weeks ago, I started looking into some really cool human literature that--
EFFY: *GASP!!!* Wait, wait, what are you?!
CLOVER: Ugh, guess that explains the hair...
SELENA: ... Do you two need a second to, like, get your questions in order or something?? Not that I mind answering, but it's kind of breaking up the flow of the story!
SELENA: I'm a kitsune. You know, like a fox, but magic. Anyway--

[Image: z43ExNn.png]

EFFY: Oh... my...

[Image: nKGzjzR.gif]

EFFY: W-Where are you from? Are you from Japan? Are you a good kitsune or a bad kitsune?? Do you fight demons?!
CLOVER: Oh my fuckin' GOD, just get to the point!
EFFY: But... But we have time! It's just some birds!
CLOVER: No! No, we don't have time! We're officially in a goddamn countdown 'til I give up and go home!

Messages In This Thread
Another Me - Your number has been called! - by Naem - 04-24-2017, 02:12 PM