Earth Escape

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Earth Escape
RE: Earth Escape
Quote:Well, you got in here somehow. How'd that happen, again? As long as you didn't teleport here, that entrance should still exist and you can start thinking about how to get back to it.

...oh, wait, you did teleport here, didn't you.

[Image: tumblr_ooozdk4fDc1tbnguso6_r1_1280.png]

It is unknown whether we were transported here, or merely dragged. We were unconscious when it happened so it's anyone's guess. Although that is a good theory.

Gah! You're breaking my concentration. What are you talking about now?


Wait. You mean about how we got here? ...Oh no. Oh no, you're right, we might not even be on Earth anymore!

That is a possibility.

Well great. Great! Just great! Just fantastic! Just--just--

[Image: tumblr_ooozdk4fDc1tbnguso7_r1_250.png]


Quote:>Stop panicking and think. Do you have any gear at all? Do you have any sort of advantage psychically? Anything at all will work, the more tools at your disposal, the easier time you will have.

Easy there. As much fun as it is to see you scramble it really isn't helpful.

~Nameless takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.~

I'm fine, I'm fine. I- let’s just… think about this. Do we have anything we can use?

I still have access to basic knowledge about Earth. Everything I had stored on my internal drive is mostly there, but outside info is difficult to near-impossible to access.

Difficult how?

If I can remember something, that is to say it exists saved in my drive, I can pull it up. But if I'm trying to find new information, well...

[Image: tumblr_ooozdk4fDc1tbnguso8_r3_1280.png]

I don't know what that little maniac did but this is a mess. You sure can pick 'em, huh?

Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm awful. But none of that is important right now! Is there anything else in your internal drive? Somehow I doubt Earth culture will help us here.

Just your clutter. Some books, research on extra-planetary life, some repressed memories…

Repressed memories?

Don't worry about it. Let's move on.

Quote:>The liquid from those pipes, examine it closer. Perhaps it will hold the secret to your escape. Don't touch it until you know it is safe, though.

What about that liquid?


Hm? Oh yeah. I guess we can check it out.

[Image: tumblr_ooozdk4fDc1tbnguso9_r1_1280.png]

Ignoring thoughts about unimportant past memories, Unnamed decides to inspect the dark pool forming in the corner. It appears to be thicker than water with a strange texture. Sticky, perhaps. Hm.

What are you thinking?

...Do me a favour and lean over that puddle. I want to check something.

Er, alright.

[Image: tumblr_oou5jclOa51tbnguso1_1280.png]


Upon closer inspection, the liquid offers no reflection. Just as I thought. Imagine staring into a mirror, expecting to see yourself but getting nothing. Is something wrong with the mirror or is it you? You are no longer there, or were you ever there to begin with? Are you staring into another world? Does anything really exist?

My host's anxiety grows the longer we stare.

Uuugh, did you have to word it like that?


Something about this stuff feels wrong. What is it?

Uncertain, but there is something fuzzy in my drive about liquid displaying these properties being dangerous. The fact that it seems to stimulate fear isn't helping its case either. We should stay away from it.

Yeah, I'm going to agree with you there. Anything else?

Yes, there is something. Do the bugs seem strange to you?

[Image: tumblr_ooozdk4fDc1tbnguso3_r3_250.png]

Huh? How should I know? Bugs are always strange.

They seem like Earth insects but when you look closer-

Quote:>Have a nice chat with the creepy crawlies and convince them not to suffocate you in your sleep

[Image: tumblr_ooudkdH0gH1tbnguso2_r2_400.png]

[Image: tumblr_ooudkdH0gH1tbnguso1_r1_400.png]

No! Nope. No thanks. I hate bugs. Disgusting little things with disgusting little legs. Nnn so many legs...

Alright, alright, forget the bugs. Let's keep brainstorming.

Quote:>Check your pockets, you always have useful stuff in them like breath mints and small change.

Did you check your pockets?

Oh right! I forgot I had pockets.

[Image: tumblr_ooudkdH0gH1tbnguso3_r4_250.png] [Image: tumblr_ooudkdH0gH1tbnguso4_r1_250.png]
[Image: tumblr_ooudkdH0gH1tbnguso5_r1_540.png]

Nameless rustles through their pockets to find… three human coins, a lighter, some kind of pebble and a Micro-Charge. Well that’s slightly useful. We won’t need to sleep so long as I can keep us charged up. The rest, well, we’ll think of something.


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