Encrypted Galaxy (or, Download Now!)

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Encrypted Galaxy (or, Download Now!)
RE: Encrypted Galaxy (or, Download Now!)
It's a bit late, but have you considered that if being cool means that you like what cool kids like, and you are certified cool, this means that things you like are cool, no matter what they are.

I honestly want to see the outdated memes, but not enough to read this note we have already committed to not reading. It's like, what, five steps away? That's way too far. Can we see anything in any direction? What color is the sky? Do you see the sun?

Messages In This Thread
Encrypted Galaxy (or, Download Now!) - by video - 04-21-2017, 01:04 AM
RE: Encrypted Galaxy (or, Download Now!) - by SC - 04-21-2017, 01:21 AM
RE: Encrypted Galaxy (or, Download Now!) - by Smurfton - 04-22-2017, 03:08 AM