You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 28 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(04-19-2017, 07:46 PM)infuriatingCrimson Wrote: »>Oh hey, if we go grab a bandage and use a wood chip, we will have the materials to make a bomb! Yay for quick turn-over!

>Alternately we can prepare ourselves for the next foray into the wilds. Y'know, empty our basket, tell Dave and see if he wants to come, perhaps use our current supplement to make a healing paste instead. Since it's our first try and we used a bad ingredient, it most likely won't be fantastic.

>When we go out next, we will be staying out for awhile. We need to gather as much as we can in as short a time as we can. While I would suggest us crafting first, if we do decide to get moving, we need to at least grab a few supplies to go on a longer expedition.

(04-20-2017, 05:32 PM)Derelict Wrote: »> If we want to make Supplements, the cheapest option is buying the Notebook Paper, which is 10 Cole per Supplement we could make. That's probably important to keep a note of, since we want to keep costs down.

> Also, yeah, do that quest. Since we might be buying the Notebook Paper anyway, may as well splash out and get that quest done. We'll make a solid profit, anyway.

> Definitely empty the basket. In preparation, I say let Dave prepare the actual route, since he's been spent more time in the forest than us. Meanwhile, we prepare stuff! Also, we could use one of the Notebook to make a Healing Paste. That's, like, what we were supposed to be making for Sarah, right? It's at least on the right track.

> Don't go today. Prepare everything we could possibly need (maybe send Dave on those minor errands), and if we're all cool with buying the Notebook Paper, make another Supplement out of that and store it with everything else.
(04-20-2017, 06:28 PM)infuriatingCrimson Wrote: »>Didn't see the x10 on the notebook paper. That's definitely a better deal...but it's probably lower quality.

>The healing paste is a start, but I don't think we want to turn in low-quality work. We are being judged on how well it satisfies the requirement. If we give them a bunch of gunk that can barely fix a minor scratch, we will still lose the business. High-quality materials, practice, and better recipes will ensure we give them what they want.

Fresh off of your success with making a Supplement, you decide it might be a good idea to go ahead and make a bomb, since the request for that seems pretty profitable. The only thing you're really missing is paper, so you head to the pharmacy and buy some Notebook Paper for 100 Cole, taking it back and putting it in storage. While you're at it, you dump the rest of the things you've been carrying around in there too; there's no reason to lug around a bunch of materials, after all.

The steps for making a Bomb are significantly more complex and taxing than those for the Supplement, and you can't help but feel the recipe is wording things in a confusing way on purpose as you get to some parts. As you get close to completing it, there are a few particularly dicey moments where you feel as if the cauldron is going to explode. But at the end, you finally manage to make the thing, and it looks..terrible.

Information: Usable Items
Usable items can be used from Sarah's basket out in the field and/or in battle, depending on the item. Typically a usable item has a certain number of uses before it is used up.

The end result is a bundle of a few thin red cylinders with fuses coming out of them, tied together at the end. But the fuse is frayed and seems to be perpetually damp, and you can just tell this won't pack much punch. You're not really even sure if it's because of the ingredients you used or because the recipe was so hard to follow. But still...the request didn't say anything about the item's quality. Before you go to bed for the night, you go and turn it in to Stahl for the request, and he doesn't seem to have anything to say about the item itself.

When you get up the next morning, the first thing you do is pull out all of the alchemy books you've got so far and read over the recipes in slightly more detail, not enough to take up a lot of time but enough to give you some advance warning of a situation like yesterday's. You add to your mental notes about all of the recipes a rough estimate of how hard you think it'll be to make.

Information: Difficulty
The marked difficulty of a recipe is a good predictor of how much energy it will cost to make as well as the probability of failure. Anything marked "Hard" or higher has a chance of going poorly or failing to produce the desired item at all. As you gain experience performing alchemy, recipes will tend to become easier, and you may even discover ways to make some things take less time to make; however, the energy cost for some recipes may never go down very far. The minimum possible cost of a recipe is closely correlated to how long it takes to make the item in question.

Once that's done, you turn your attention to probably making something else today. The Healing Paste looks like it'll be a little easier than that Bomb was, but you do need more supplements for that. You could use more of the Notebook Paper for that, but it seems like supplements can even be made out of tap water, which you wouldn't have to go buy more of...


Date: 1/4
Time: Dawn

Status & Inventory:

1226 Cole

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Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 28 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Xindaris - 04-22-2017, 12:22 AM