Great Haven Lore and Discussion (and Q&A??)

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Great Haven Lore and Discussion (and Q&A??)
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion
I thought up a bunch of questions. Feel free to ignore if spoilers or just too much.

What are Maya's kid's names?
Have you created certain scenarios that were avoided by commenters?
How long since you thought up Great Haven?
Is spice the only currency? Or does it vary depending on region?
Are there many races/plants we haven't seen yet?
Physically, Hiir look like mice/rats, Hawkren look like bird people and Maya looks like a turtle. Do they share any other similar characteristics?
How is Raoul so damn cute (and did any major design changes happen while creating him?)
What have you been most excited to introduce?
Would you be okay if someone used the settings/races for a DnD campaign?
What sources have you taken inspiration from?
What has been the toughest part of Great Haven for you so far?
Will Raoul ever go to god rat heaven?
Favourite suggestion so far?
How long have you been drawing/writing?
Will you ever reveal Raoul's old name?
How long does it usually take per update (barring massive updates like the shop one recently)?
Favourite character?
Favourite environment/character to draw?
Will Maya ever run out of spacebending thread?
Is Maya vegan?
How does the level up system work? (do the increased stats only work on certain foes?)
Does Maya have an ulterior motive besides being super nice and great all the time?
How combat focused will Great Haven be in the future?
Was there a point where Raoul became an outcast? He mentions playing with snow with his cousins at one point.
So does Time Magic only effect time in one spot (i'm guessing it's the former), or does it effect the rest of the world?
What are wards?

Sorry for the text wall, I just really enjoy Great Haven. Keep up the good work Justice Watch!
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck

Messages In This Thread
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by a52 - 04-19-2017, 09:50 PM
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by a52 - 04-20-2017, 02:12 AM
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by a52 - 04-20-2017, 03:31 AM
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by Zephyr Nepres - 04-20-2017, 08:22 PM
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by tronn - 04-23-2017, 04:13 AM
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by a52 - 04-23-2017, 05:25 AM
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by Schazer - 05-01-2017, 10:55 AM
RE: Great Haven Lore and Discussion - by a52 - 05-01-2017, 01:38 PM