You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 28 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> If we want to make Supplements, the cheapest option is buying the Notebook Paper, which is 10 Cole per Supplement we could make. That's probably important to keep a note of, since we want to keep costs down.

> Also, yeah, do that quest. Since we might be buying the Notebook Paper anyway, may as well splash out and get that quest done. We'll make a solid profit, anyway.

> Definitely empty the basket. In preparation, I say let Dave prepare the actual route, since he's been spent more time in the forest than us. Meanwhile, we prepare stuff! Also, we could use one of the Notebook to make a Healing Paste. That's, like, what we were supposed to be making for Sarah, right? It's at least on the right track.

> Don't go today. Prepare everything we could possibly need (maybe send Dave on those minor errands), and if we're all cool with buying the Notebook Paper, make another Supplement out of that and store it with everything else.

[I didn't think EOFD was your first foray into writing, just one of the rare occasions where you were given some, but not all, agency. Regardless, I don't think I can really complain about this adventure - can I perhaps recommend that you put the status screen into a Google Doc and update it as and when? That should be far easier in the long run. Perhaps keep the party status in the actual body of the thing, and other information in the document.

As for being missing and not commenting, yeah... I was perhaps a little selfish. I put my all into Empty Overworld, but I very rarely interacted in other people's adventures, even before the collapse, which was perhaps the wrong the thing to do. I got support from Hex and everyone there, but never really gave anything back. So, yes. Sorry, man - I'll support this adventure, and if there's others you want to do give me a shout and I'll comment the hell out of them.]
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.


Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 28 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Derelict - 04-20-2017, 05:32 PM