You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 28 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
>Oh hey, if we go grab a bandage and use a wood chip, we will have the materials to make a bomb! Yay for quick turn-over!

>Alternately we can prepare ourselves for the next foray into the wilds. Y'know, empty our basket, tell Dave and see if he wants to come, perhaps use our current supplement to make a healing paste instead. Since it's our first try and we used a bad ingredient, it most likely won't be fantastic.

>When we go out next, we will be staying out for awhile. We need to gather as much as we can in as short a time as we can. While I would suggest us crafting first, if we do decide to get moving, we need to at least grab a few supplies to go on a longer expedition.

(As for where I was back then, I wasn't around! :P I only recently became interested in forum adventures. Don't worry about complaining, I do it all the time. :D)
Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...

Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 28 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by infuriatingCrimson - 04-19-2017, 07:46 PM