You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 29 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(04-18-2017, 02:24 AM)wyatt Wrote: »>Run away
>Put all stocks into spaghetti business
>Become spaghetti manufacturing god

(This command doesn't really make enough sense in context to actually comment on in narration, but I appreciate your reading enough to post it anyway.)

(04-18-2017, 02:45 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Well, we can get the Wild Grapes reward right now, and we only need one more Wood Chip, so might as well accept that.

We can probably get the Puni-hunting done in time, but it'll use up a slot we might want for a job we can complete faster. Depends on how many Punis we feel confident taking on in one trip.

Hmm, we just need Paper materials (and time) to make a bomb, though we'll use up a Wood Chip. Still, we're close on the wood chips, we can probably get two next gathering session.

I say hand in the Wild Grapes right now, then take the other three item requests. I bet we can get them done fairly quickly, while I'm not so confident in our hunting just yet. Might even be able to start the bomb before the day ends if we can just find appropriate paper.
(04-18-2017, 05:16 AM)infuriatingCrimson Wrote: »>I second what you said, Dragon. The grapes are easily done, like you said.

>Those three other quests are more difficult and since there is no timer on the bomb one, I say we refrain from taking it. Taking the other two would work though. Wood Chips will be simple to collect and Puni are annoying, but we are give a decent time to complete it...By the time 1/30 rolls around, we will have defeated more than 10.

>I don't think starting up the bomb is possible today as we need to make the supplement which takes 1/2 a day to make. Even with it, we would need to start now to finish it before nightfall as it takes 3/4 of the day to complete.

>Ask Stahl if he could offer you any advice or tips on anything. If he is as kind as your master claims, he should be willing to at least help us out a bit!
(04-18-2017, 05:42 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Oh, I missed the supplement, was only looking at the generic ingredients. (also: it's Fogel, not Dragon)

Might as well start making the supplement when we get a chance then, then, so we have it available. Spending Magic Grass on it seems like the best idea, since we have the most of that and no other particular need for it right now. (And even if a need comes up, we can probably get more easily.)

My concern about the Puni quest is we have a three-quest limit. If this were an actual game I'd be confident about our ability to hunt down 10 in one day, but if it's going to take us two or three days, that's a bit long to be stuck with it. We can specifically look for them, though, so it probably won't be that bad.
(04-18-2017, 02:23 PM)infuriatingCrimson Wrote: »>I second the idea of the supplement, if we aren't going into the woods today, we need to get cracking at basic recipes. Besides, practice makes perfect.

>The Puni thing is why I am suggesting to wait on the bomb for a bit. We don't know when we will find paper ingredients BUT it is possible at the grocers or the oddities shop we could find some. If we wanted to put time into it, we could get it done quickly...Fuck it. My final say is that we take the bomb quest, the wood chip quest and wait on the Puni quest. Let's try and focus on completing this bomb quest and before we leave town next, we can pick up that Puni quest. Since we will have finished the bomb quest and be about to finish the Wood Chip one, there is no danger of us missing a good quest.

(04-18-2017, 04:36 PM)Derelict Wrote: »> Uh, yeah, seems like everyone has suggested sane and sensible things to say, so I don't have much to add.

> Just one thing, I suppose. I don't see Spoiled Milk being all that useful, so maybe we should (whenever we're next doing alchemy, probably after the quests are done) move that to the Basket and make Supplement out of that.

> Incidentally, could we send Dave to do the quests and stay home to do alchemy? He can handle himself, right? Ask him. It would be way more efficient for sure.
(04-18-2017, 04:58 PM)infuriatingCrimson Wrote: »>Milk is good idea, didn't even think about that... >.<

You go ahead and hand in the wild grapes you have for that quest, and recieve a little bit of money. Good! While you're doing that, you ask Stahl if he has any particular advice.
"Just remember to prioritize your assignment," he says, "Your work here is helpful, but you wouldn't be able to keep doing it if your shop got closed down. Beyond that, of course, don't take any request you aren't sure you can complete on time. I have to do even more paperwork whenever something doesn't get done." If you didn't know any better, you'd say these bits of advice were more about how to help him. Still, it's not bad advice.

You decide to take on the request for Wood Chips and also the one for a Bomb, since that one has no time limit, after all.

The tour of the town done for now, you make a few mental notes of what sort of inventory each shop has, and head back home to finally try your hand at a synthesis. There's some expired milk at home, which hardly has any other use, so since a Supplement can be made of anything you decide to try it with that first.

You wonder if you could send Dave out to gather ingredients or something...but on reflection, it doesn't seem like he'd know what to do. He seemed a little surprised you were interested in those herbs you found, and the wood chips, and even the wild grapes even though those might have been good for food. He didn't seem aware the Puni even dropped anything when it died, and he probably wouldn't have gathered up the fur either. He'll probably be out around the forest with his parents occasionally anyway, though, so maybe if you took some time to try and teach him what sort of things are useful he could pick some things up on those trips? It might be worth a try later.

When you actually get home, you first open up the book you bought from Hazel and the package from the pharmacy, which contains another book; both do indeed seem to be alchemy books. Hazel's book is Cooking Without Cooking, and contains recipes for Plain Bread, Potato Soup, and Chocolate. The other one is Bare Necessities, and contains recipes for Notebook Paper, Polish Powder, and...a Barrel? What?

Anyway, you get to work on making the Supplement. You have to find a place to pause in the middle to get some sleep, but are able to carry on the next morning and finish it up, bottling the strange liquid produced. It kind of smells; you get the impression it's not exactly what one would call "high quality". Still, it seems like your efforts were successful and you can more or less call yourself an alchemist! It's a little exciting.


Date: 1/3
Time: About one quarter

Status & Inventory:

326 Cole

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Basket (15/60):


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RE: You have 29 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Xindaris - 04-19-2017, 07:21 PM