You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 29 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
Sorry about that, Fogel. Meant no disrespect to you. c:
I'm just glad someone else joined in this story. It's decently well-done, but as seems to be the trend, it's less popular because of being without art.

>I second the idea of the supplement, if we aren't going into the woods today, we need to get cracking at basic recipes. Besides, practice makes perfect.

>The Puni thing is why I am suggesting to wait on the bomb for a bit. We don't know when we will find paper ingredients BUT it is possible at the grocers or the oddities shop we could find some. If we wanted to put time into it, we could get it done quickly...Fuck it. My final say is that we take the bomb quest, the wood chip quest and wait on the Puni quest. Let's try and focus on completing this bomb quest and before we leave town next, we can pick up that Puni quest. Since we will have finished the bomb quest and be about to finish the Wood Chip one, there is no danger of us missing a good quest.

Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...

Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 29 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by infuriatingCrimson - 04-18-2017, 02:23 PM