RE: Waterworks
03-21-2017, 04:22 PM
Ayy, I got chosen, look at that
Flush: Wow, this really doesn't faze you, does it? Jose just fired a bullet the size of a goddamned planetoid from an equally-gigantic rifle and you barely looked shocked at the result for even five seconds. Have you seen even WEIRDER stuff or do you genuinely just not give a damn?
Jose: Be sent flying into the sky by the recoil and/or wind currents generated by firing the Rifle Tower.
Flush: Wow, this really doesn't faze you, does it? Jose just fired a bullet the size of a goddamned planetoid from an equally-gigantic rifle and you barely looked shocked at the result for even five seconds. Have you seen even WEIRDER stuff or do you genuinely just not give a damn?
Jose: Be sent flying into the sky by the recoil and/or wind currents generated by firing the Rifle Tower.