You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 30 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
On your way there you hear someone conspicuously attempting to sneak up behind you. Without even turning around you say, "Hey Scruffy."
"Wh-hey!" The expected person moves up next to you. "No fair." It's Dave Barrett, your best friend and closest ally in pranks for years. You met in the orphanage, but he was adopted by a considerably more normal family. Dave is a beastfolk, canine, dark-haired and generally unkempt in appearance, which has earned him the teasing nickname "Scruffy" among a lot of adults. Actually, you're pretty sure Master was the first person to call him that.
"What's crazy Marie got you doin' now?" he asks.
"Well..." You explain the situation.

"Dude, seriously? She won't even work when her house is on the line?"
"I guess not. But I might actually get to learn alchemy this way, at least."
"I mean, since when did the king have the right to kick people outta their homes anyway?"
You shrug. "I dunno, he's the king. He could declare war on a patch of cabbages and they'd have to attack." This earns a small chuckle.
"You mind if I come with? I've never really had a good excuse to be in the castle before."
"Sure, whatever. Just don't get me in trouble."
"Me, get you in trouble?" he says, mock-incredulously. Getting in trouble has generally been a mutual decision between the two of you.

The castle's gigantic front doors are wide open, and lead straight into a big room with doors going off in all directions and people going in and out everywhere in the mess of semi-organized chaos that is government. There's a wide counter at the back of the room behind which a single dark-haired bespectacled man sits alternately yelling at the people in line in front of it to stay in line and responding to whoever's currently in front.

"So, where're we goin'?" says Dave. You don't see the knight from earlier in here, but probably someone who works here would know where to find her. You could try one of the other knights stationed here, or one of the nobles or parliament members maybe, or the guy at the desk--the line is long, but it is moving pretty fast.



Messages In This Thread
RE: You have 30 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down - by Xindaris - 03-19-2017, 12:26 AM