Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes

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Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes
RE: Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes
You examine your guide, just to get a feel for the Layers.

SUPERBIA: A layer of technological marvels, where the damned work at endless production lines for Lucifer, Lady of Pride and Morning Star. A near-endless land of factories, with streets choked with ash and smog, the sky clouded with smoke. Cold and hopeless.

IRA: A land of flames and agony, where the damned are clouded in blind rage, endlessly battling both one another and any visitors. A dangerous place. Satan lives within a fortified palace, though the Lord of Wrath and King of Sin is fully capable of protecting himself.

GULA: And endless jungle, where the damned wander, starving and scared, pursued by predators forever. The trees swarm with locusts, which constantly badger the damned, but never kill. Visitors are guaranteed a slight level of safety, but only from the locusts. Beelzebub, Lord of Gluttony and Angel of The Pit, stalks the jungles, though he does live within a home in the heart of Gula.

INVIDIA: An endless ocean, where the damned languish upon it shores, visions of great treasures supposedly owned by their fellows visible just across the waters. Those who attempt to cross the waters are drowned and devoured by the creatures that live within, or Leviathan himself, Lord of Envy and The Eldest. Leviathan either swims the seas, or lives within a deep undersea palace.

AVARITIA: A desert, where the damned search endlessly for riches beneath the sands. Those who gather them are then pursued endlessly by Mammon, Lady of Greed and the Last Hell Dragon, and eventually have their treasures taken. Besides the inhospitable environs and occasional volcanic eruption, Avaritia holds few dangers.

ACEDIA: A vast city, where the damned are engaged in endless, body-destroying labor for Belphegor, Lord of Sloth and The Dead King. Belphegor's corpse lies within a humble area, an abandoned Hospital within the city. The safest Layer of Hell.

LUXURIA: Under new management as of 100 years ago, owned by Asmodeus, Lord of Lust and He Who Is Many. Sinners are sealed within "Coolers", chambers of complete sensory deprivation. Unfortunately, its former guards still wander the cramped halls of Luxuria, and they have no way to determine the difference between sinner and visitor. Vastly dangerous.

The closest Circle of Hell is, apparently, Superbia. You enter the chamber and punch in the coordinates, and get ready for another cramped ride. As you travel, the screen flickers to life again. But rather than your mysterious contactor, it's just Hades.

"Hey! I see you're heading for Superbia. Neat! So, since you're a Driver, you're gonna need a vehicle. And thanks to all the different Circle environments, you get a new one every Circle. Sooo... anything you'd particularly like for Superbia?" He asks.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes - by The_Archivist - 03-18-2017, 05:02 PM