You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad

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You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad
RE: You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad
Godbot Wrote:> Take Legshark and head to Water Land.

[Image: Fogel1037.png]

Oh, hey! It's your trusty mount!

[Image: Fogel1038.png]

Time to move to a more advantageous position.

[Image: Fogel1039.png]

Preferably in a different country entirely.

[Image: Fogel1040.png]

Ha! They'll never catch you now!

[Image: Fogel1041.png]

...Or maybe they will.

[Image: Fogel1042.png]

"We're too heavy. It's slowing us down!"

[Image: Fogel1043.png]

"Both of you, get off my mech this instant! That's an order!"

[Image: Fogel1044.png]

[Image: Fogel1045.png]

[Image: Fogel1046.png]

[Image: Fogel1047.png]

"Dammit! Whoever I ordered to waterproof my mech is going to face the firing squad!"

[Image: Fogel1048.png]

Phew! That was close. But now you've gotten away.

[Image: Fogel1049.png]

Oh, whoops. You forgot about Water Land's roaming packs of vicious watermelons.

[Image: Fogel1050.png]

At least you didn't have to worry about them for too long.

Reloading from last save...

SonicLover Wrote:>Run to Sand Land again. This time keep moving, and try to get the sandworms after your foes.

[Image: Fogel1051.png]

You're sure Sand Land is the safest place to escape to!

[Image: Fogel1052.png]

As long as you keep moving, anyways!

[Image: Fogel1053.png]

Great! You're free now, nothing can stop you!

[Image: Fogel1054.png]

Oh, whoops. You forgot about Sand Land's roaming covens of fearsome Sand Witches.

[Image: Fogel1055.png]

You also forgot that sand lightning really, really hurts.

Reloading from last save...

Ixcaliber Wrote:> Run to Forest Land, maybe the dense woodland will make it hard for them to pursue you.

[Image: Fogel1056.png]

You decide that Forest Land is your best option!

[Image: Fogel1057.png]

With luck, you can use the thick cover provided by the trees to lose them...

[Image: Fogel1058.png]

Or maybe not?

[Image: Fogel1059.png]

Oh, whoops. You forgot about Forest Land's roaming... construction crews? Or something?

[Image: Fogel1060.png]

Yeah, you don't have the slightest clue what's going on.

[Image: Fogel1061.png]


[Image: Fogel1062.png]

Okay, it doesn't really make sense in any way, but at least it's an explanation.

[Image: Fogel1063.png]


[Image: Fogel1064.png]

Wow. That's a big tree.

[Image: Fogel1065.png]

Really heavy, too.

Reloading from last save...

Askia Wrote:> Trip

[Image: Fogel1066.png]

This is really bad.

[Image: Fogel1067.png]

Whoops! Should have watched where you were going.

[Image: Fogel1068.png]


[Image: Fogel1069.png]

"Um, sir, where exactly are you taking me?"
"We're headed to your grandmother's house! Don't worry, kid, everything's going to be fine."

Oh, right. With all the fighting and running for your life and everything, you'd completely forgotten about that soldier escorting your younger self to your grandmother's cottage so she could steal the watch and ultimately become Glorious Leader.

[Image: Fogel1070.png]

"You there! Why are you still wandering around with my grandson? Shouldn't you have reached the cottage by now?"

[Image: Fogel1071.png]

"Uh, well, you see, Glorious Leader, there's a lot of snow and it all looks alike and I had to dodge some stray missiles and laser beams, and after a while I lost track of where I was..."

[Image: Fogel1072.png]

"No excuses! It's right over there, now get him back before he freezes to death!"
"Y-yes, Glorious Leader!"

[Image: Fogel1073.png]

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find his good-for-nothing future self."
"S-sorry for wasting your time, Glorious Leader!"

[Image: Fogel1074.png]

"Come on, we need to move fast! Let me know if you see any incoming explosions, kid."

[Image: Fogel1075.png]

So, your pursuers have lost sight of you, at least for the moment. This may be your best chance to rescue your younger self and prevent your grandmother from becoming Glorious Leader in the first place!

Now you just need to figure out how you're going to do that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: You Are About 10 Seconds Away From Execution By Firing Squad - by Dragon Fogel - 10-17-2012, 02:12 AM