Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water

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Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
(02-18-2017, 07:12 PM)Coldblooded Wrote: »I'm not suggesting a three way tie with anybody. Honestly my ideal world would be the one where everybody goes into the start of my turn with 4 colonies each and then we all just dogpile on whoever gets the short end of the stick in the destiny draw.

(02-24-2017, 12:01 AM)Coldblooded Wrote: »Sounds good to me, like I said earlier I've basically been going for a diplomatic victory all game anyway.

"Hey everybody, let's all just get along in peace and harmony! And also make sure that I win by screwing one of you over, but I won't say which one so everyone keeps their hopes up and invites me along for easy colonies!"

Diplomatic victories are like the one you guys pulled on Chocopi, where you and your ally found a way to joint win via clever negotiations. The strategy outlined here is betrayal disguised as diplomacy. Be honest, if you'd drawn Blue you'd've fucked over Gatr a mere turn after feeding him this pipe dream of yours.

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RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water - by Granolaman - 03-04-2017, 02:10 AM