Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes

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Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes
RE: Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes

That's right, you're a Driver. You specialize in vehicles, and thanks to your "training" (really a regiment of elaborate enchantments and brain surgeries), you can drive pretty much anything that isn't just plain running. You once delivered an Always-Burning-Vial by driving through the deserts of of Avaritia on a snowmobile.

You clip your Hand Cannon to your hip, the heavy metal feeling comforting against you. You adjust the collar of your uniform, and slip on the baseball cap that identifies you as a Hell Runner. It's not part of the uniform, but everyone's allowed one accessory and it's considered a point of pride for Abyssal Couriers to wear the "Hell Runner Cap".

You step into the Portal Chamber, finding dozens of portals around you that lead to various portions of Hell, including a few that drop you off in the Outlands. Rather than taking any of those, however, you approach the largest one, in the back. You pull out the card you were provided last night and slide it along a slot in the side, the portal opening with a sound akin to a bathtub drain being pulled.

You take a deep breath, and step through.

Within the throne room, you see Hades himself, and... well, he's a lot less intimidating in person than you thought he'd be. In fact... he's kinda hot. He lounges in his massive throne, one hand on his thigh and the other resting on the seat, looking you over with half-lidded eyes, his expression inscrutable aside from the small, feline smile gracing his features.

"Well, howdy there." He tells you. "You must be Samuel. Mind if I call you Sammy? So, here's the deal, right? I've got a big job for you. A really, really big one."

He rolls onto his back, legs pressed against the back of the throne and staring at you upside down, the smile not leaving his face. "Basically, I've got a lot of really important packages that need delivering. And from what I've been led to understand, you're the best man for the job. You've impressed a lot of people, Sammy boy."

He somersaults forward, and for a moment you think he's going to hit the ground before he starts floating, seemingly lying on his stomach in thin air. "Normally I'd get one of my Sisters to handle this sort of thing, but there's some stuff going on in the Surface that I'm not privy to. But they're busy as all get out. So here we are."

Hades smiles, floating forward until the two of you are face to face. You can feel his breath puff against you, and it smells like spearmint and sugar. "You know, if you do this properly, I'm willing to give you anything you want. Absolutely anything... well, short of godhood, I suppose, but there are a lot of things I'm willing to offer someone like you..."

You realize that the Lord of Hell himself is offering you anything you want if you do this for him. You should think this over very, very carefully...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes - by The_Archivist - 03-03-2017, 07:03 AM