Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes

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Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes
Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes
You wake up in bed, your dreams fading away into the haze of awakeness. You clamber out of bed, clad only in your boxer shorts, shivering slightly as cool air wisps across your short-furred body.

You get out of bed, noticing your roommate is still out cold. You suppose he's probably covering night deliveries, lucky bastard. You head for the showers, noticing that for once nobody else is there. You step under the hot water, feeling it cascade down your fur and soak you, hotter than most could bear.

It hurts, but the pain of the scalding hot water clears your head, causes the fuzz of sleep to fade away and your dreams to feel like a distant memory.

Your name is Samuel Smith, cat-folk, and for the last few years of your life, you've been an Abyssal Courier, though anyone who isn't a bureaucrat just calls you a Hell Runner. Your job is to navigate the circles and outlands of Hell itself to deliver important cargo.

And today, you have to appear before the Lord of Hell, Hades himself.

You've heard stories about Hades, mostly about how he's a big fuzzy pushover if he likes you, and how he'll gut you like a fish if he doesn't. You have no idea which category you'll wind up falling into, but the idea of winding up on his bad side terrifies you to no end.

But there are a couple things we'll need to cover first, before we can really get into this adventure.

For one thing, just what kind of Runner are you? There are three kinds.

Freerunner- Focuses on evading hazards and getting from Point A to Point B with just their wits... and the Chain-Sword that comes standard issue to all Free Runners.
Driver- Drivers specialize in vehicles. All vehicles. From armored trucks to mopeds to skateboards, if it has a set of wheels, propellers, or treads a Driver can operate it. Always provided with a Hand Cannon, a revolver the size of your average head, for self-defense.
Skulker- Who needs the route when the route means combat? Skulkers specialize in getting around through all those seedy little back ways, navigating through the shadows and avoiding trouble before it can even begin. Equipped with a Machete if things get too ugly.

Messages In This Thread
Hell Runners: Neither Snow Nor Rain Nor Demon Hordes - by The_Archivist - 03-03-2017, 05:31 AM