
RE: влез - храна - опорави
Point [190]

You might want to reflect on the events of the past few days. Maybe have a chat with someone close.

The last few days have been okay for me. Once we got Zeke to the hospital (wearing these ugly plastic suits Doctor Lambord said would protect from any germs in the water or Zeke's coughs), I went home and had the supper Angel made, which was totally cold by that point. Then . . . hm, the next day I went to the hospital to see how Zeke was doing. He looked almost worse? But they were getting him the liquids he needed. I hung around there, helped do some chores for the nurses (people track a lot of mud into the halls this time of year, and they needed more wood for the fires), and later in the afternoon saw Stjarna come in to check on her mom. Her coming there was kind of the whole reason I had been staying at the hospital, but when I saw her pass through the corridor outside the room I was sweeping, I suddenly couldn't get up the courage to go over and say hi. I debated for what was probably several minutes and then just returned my broom and went home. The fear I'm having probably doesn't make sense, but I was worried I'd be intruding on her time with her mom.

The day after, Zeke was doing better. They were giving him this medicine that would make his body better at fighting the germs. His disease is called "cholera," and it makes you have diarrhea a lot, which is why he needs to drink the bean mash. The beans have a nutrient that his body needs more of during the disease, and the water in the mash replaces the fluids he's losing. That afternoon Visnin and I moved Zeke's goats across the cracked bridge over the creek, to the community pasture.

Yesterday I went looking for mushrooms in the woods with Bud. He didn't bring the kids from school this time, since if they touched a mushroom they weren't supposed to it could be deadly. We went west out of town, up onto Bell Hill (it's shaped like a bell). We found these wrinkly yellow mushrooms that look kinda gross but are apparently good enough to be called steak mushrooms. I also found a dead deer which probably only died yesterday, but Bud didn't want to touch it because there were no signs of wounds on it. When I got home last night, carrying a big bag full of mushrooms, Visnin and Angel were yelling at each other about Visnin hanging out with Andi Poliakof. They stopped when they saw I was home, though. I'm not sure what to think about that. Today Angel and I bought groceries and baked breads and a batch of walnut honey cookies. The crunchiness is perfect. But Angel and I didn't talk about what was going on with them and Visnin.

Point [193]

[Image: tumblr_om2004F4LJ1rr2h9co1_540.jpg]

I passed Zeke's new place on the way here; dropped off his groceries and checked on how much bean mash he'd drunk. The amount had changed, and I think I trust him not to just dump out good food, so he should be okay. He told me about the first computer he made, how it was so big compared to the ones we had before the EMP. It didn't have a screen or a mouse, and you just typed commands in and got printouts. Apparently, one of the people who used to live in the city to the south helped make the first mouse, which was something you needed before computers had touch screens. Zeke told me how computers worked, with silicon chips and switches and stuff, but I didn't really understand it. He got tired of trying to explain and grumpily sent me off.

He's in one of the shacks up by the grocery store, which is where Visnin has been setting up people whose homes have been flooded by the creek. They're hooked up to the town drinking water and sewer, which is good because it means Zeke isn't going to go pull water from the cisterns and accidentally get germs in them. I helped Zeke move in a couple days ago, and once everyone else who was helping headed off, I made him some onion soup and we talked about some of the things that have been happening in my life. He didn't really offer any advice, but he told me about similar experiences he had. And some different experiences - I won't have to explain to someone that I'm not interested in sex, for example.

It's less rainy than cold, now, and the creek is going down. There's frost every morning, and the leaves are crinkly rather than slippery. There was a carter that came through town this morning and said that she just barely made it through the eastern mountains before a big snowstorm - maybe the same rainstorms we were having. She was going to try to make it to the coast and take a ship over the ocean, but George Packard warned her that the superstorms would make sea travel dangerous at best. Alicia Núñez also said there was something in the coast mountains that ate travelers, a big hairy beast that crouched in the underbrush and made no more sound than a brush bunny as it followed you. The carter laughed that off, said she'd shot plenty of animals bigger than brush bunnies. She asked where she could buy ammo, and we pointed her towards the compound out north of Bell Hill. I noticed she was carrying a sword at her waist as she walked back to her cart. Now that I think about it, it's kind of strange that no one commented on it. There are some dickheads who go around killing people with swords because they want the world to be like an old video game, but this carter didn't seem much like those types. Which is itself strange, because she came from the desert.

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Points [49]

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