
RE: влез - загуба
Point [186]

[Image: tumblr_oly4us8HZQ1rr2h9co1_1280.jpg]

When I passed Zeke's place today, the water was more than a handwidth above the base of his northern wall. He's still living there, though. I have a funny mental image of him walking around on little stilt legs to keep his feet above the water. I didn't see him in the yard when I went by.

My cousin Bud took the younger kids on a field trip today, so I went along to help. We went up to the top of Cemetery Hill, using an old driveway to get up to one of the ruined houses - this one was just wood, so it was mostly collapsed except for the chimney which had some grass growing in the top. Then past the old house was a pathway, probably made by the people who used to live there, but maybe some deer made it. Bud told us how long ago, the first European people to come to this area found a skull and some bones from a human on the western side of the hill, and since they were just farmers and the hill didn't have a name yet, they decided that the whole place was a burial ground and avoided going to it. They named it Cemetery Hill because of those bones. Bud did a trip to the city south and did some reading in the big library there, so he knows more of the local history than most people. Apparently despite the reports of those farmers, no one ever came to investigate the hill for more remains, and people forgot why it was called that way. There's been a quarry on the east side for decades, but it probably hasn't affected the burial grounds if there are any.

Bud also showed us some of the plants you can eat that are still growing this late in the year. I found the licorice daisy, and he reminded the kids that you shouldn't eat too much of it because you'll get sick. They didn't listen much, haha. But it takes a lot to get sick. Most of the kids are from outside the original state - a lot of refugees like what my parents were when they first came here - so they don't know what plants are safe to eat. Mina slipped down a big clay slide and landed in a bunch of poison oak, which won't be fun for her to have.

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