Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing

Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
RE: Adventurers plops, ripe for the grabbing
What's your Emergence Scene? - Paramedics in charge of saving lives from Eldritch beings emerging in your world.

Apart from Complex - Different people are trying to remove organs from each other for different reasons. (Ex: One of them is looking for a willing volunteer for an organ transplant. Another is a cultist trying to find a good sacrifice. Yet another just wants to make some quick cash on the black market. Etc.)

Drink Your Death Out - In the afterlife, You work at a drink shop as a "demon vanquisher" which is just another way of saying that you kill dead pests and clean up ghost-mold in storage. Everything was going dandy until the supplier sent you a mysterious unlabeled bottle filled with a liquid you've never seen before. Naturally, you drank the heck out of it and now you're paying the consequences.

Untopia - It's a utopia for dead people. What more can you want?

Pink Fold - Any origami you fold turns pink. This baffles the beings currently observing you and your reality. The universe isn't supposed to bestow unexplainable powers to mortals no matter how minor and they're looking to fix this problem. This may or may not erase your existence.

It's Offishal - You are an office fish. Your best friend is an accountant.
I have no son.

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