02-13-2017, 05:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-13-2017, 05:06 AM by Mayu_Zane.)
(02-07-2017, 02:59 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »We could probably take this ghould in wolf form by sneaking behind pouncing and one good b ite at the throat (kind of a wolf speciality), that neck look slender and easy to snap and it's flesh... i wonder oif it'd make an acceptable sacrifice to rimwulf. Still gotta agree, let's hide in the house for now, just make sure it can't see you even if it decide to take a peek through the door.
Three of your people take shelter in the basement, but two dwellers in wolf form and filled with courage sneak up on the ghoul. They do not waste time in going straight for the jugular.
The ghoul quietly falls, finally released from its miserable curse. Your people can hear the Goddess of Justice whisper, but do not understand what she has said. The ghoul’s head is destroyed with the stone axe, and its remains are offered to Rimewulf.
Rimewulf does not respond. It seems he does not like undead meat. The remains are respectfully buried near the trees.
Before night falls, your people take down a deer and two rabbits. They let the meat dry out for storage.
Morning comes. Another group of refugees arrive.
A rancher and two cows. He has survived the painful journey here by drinking nothing but milk. He is ecstatic at finding clean water to drink for a change.
Your people welcome him warmly, happy to see another escape the clutches of the Signet. Before noon comes, two people arrive, though this time they are mercenaries.
A man and a woman. They claim to be former slaves, armed with the same chains they were once restrained with. Their chains now have meat-hooks attached at the ends.
Kori the merchant demands they show the Sigil of Courage. To everyone’s relief, they bear it as well.
After a brief but impressive demonstration of their agility, the mercenaries offer their protection services. All they ask for in exchange is food and shelter. They used to ask for crumbits, but finding work has been difficult. Your people accept their terms, and the pair begin patrolling.
The settlers spend the rest of the morning making more space in their crude basement, with Kori’s help. They also decide that to save space, they should sleep in wolf-form.
Noon arrives. Agents of the Signet have come.
They are mercenaries too, but different from the ones protecting your village. They carry massive clubs, and wear only animal skins. There are six of them. Three of your villagers want to fight. One grabs the stone axe, another takes the knife and the third grabs the thickest branch they can hold. Relief the dog bares his teeth at the invaders.
Kori joins the fight too. She’s terrified of the undead, but not of mortals in loincloths. She reveals her venomous claws for the first time. This merchant has nothing but loathing towards the Signet.
A fight is imminent. What should your people do before the enemy crosses the river?
- Throw branches, with the pointiest ends towards the foe
- Sacrifice rabbit meat or deer meat to Rimewulf for good luck
- Get into formation. Mercs in front, villagers in the rear.
- Get into the stone house and defend from inside.
- Ask Kori to poison the river with her claws (this will kill all fish in the river and make them inedible)
- Carve spears out of branches as fast as they can.
Population: 8 out of 12 shelter spaces
Wealth: 8 crumbits
1 Dog (Relief)
2 Cows (Bilin, Daina)
12 tapioca (seedling)
10 mangould (sapling)
Iron Knife x 1
Stone Axe x 1
Steel Hooked Chains x 2 (Mercenaries)
Two Mercenaries
Kori (Miscellaneous Goods)
40 branches
4 mushrooms
1 deer meat
2 rabbit meat
1 stone house (with basement)
1 shrine
Devoted Wolfpack: Rimewulf’s followers can transform into wolves at night, granting faster movement, enhanced senses and combat strength.
Marked By The Signet - The Signet will never stop sending scouts.