Posts: 1,146
Joined: Dec 2016
02-11-2017, 04:56 PM
Almost ready to bring this back.
Just need to know what our main crew actually looks like / personality.
Something to keep it from getting bland.
What the dice/cosmodex has decided so far is listed in here.
Show Content
Nurok - Arma - Geologist 7/3/2/10/2/2
[Rarely Meddles][Storyteller][Collector]
[Frequent Sleeper][Lazy]
Opal - Aftik - Assistant 10/1/3/1/10/1
[Calming Presence][Knowledge of Minerals][Auto-Translator]
Brisc - Sea Angel - Ex-Explorer 5/5/6/3/7/0
[PTSD] [Narcissist]
[Albino] [Generous][Superstitious]
Esreal - Baphometti - Explorer 10/1/1/10/1/3
[Pack Mule] [Confident][Rarely Misses]
[Reflexive] [Cautious][Listener]
Colbek - Tourist - Tourist 1/4/7/2/5/7
[Easily Startled][Inattentive][Mute]
Steve - Aftik - Sherpa 10/1/3/1/10/1
[Animal Communer][Schadenfreude][Auto-translator]
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.