02-07-2017, 02:59 AM
Quote:Ghouls are incredibly dangerous, but the opportunity to... (vivisect? Dissect?) A ghoul would be invaluable. As-Is, I believe we have the tools to functionally neutralize the ghoul for study, remove the teeth/claws/vocal chords, etc.
As we lack the equipment to properly examine the body, we would only develop a rough understanding of Ghouls. Still, it would be an improvement from what we know. A small mercy would be that at least the Ghoul can't feel any MORE pain, right?
(...I'm not saying it's bad idea but no exactly the right moment or quite in character don't you think ?
Those are poor panicked refugees, childrens, mother and elderley, who have been in this place for barely a day, not, unless further indication, doctors and scholars (and even if they were there's still panicked refugees, that's kinda important).
Even putting aside that not only do they likely miss the tool but also, unless futher idication say otherwise, y'know the skills and methodology to learn something proper of it; I don't think thirst for knowlege and ideas of dissection are particulary on their mind, immediate short erm survival is kiiiind of a much bigger priority here..)
We could probably take this ghould in wolf form by sneaking behind pouncing and one good b ite at the throat (kind of a wolf speciality), that neck look slender and easy to snap and it's flesh... i wonder oif it'd make an acceptable sacrifice to rimwulf. Still gotta agree, let's hide in the house for now, just make sure it can't see you even if it decide to take a peek through the door. (Hey also while you are at it, as wolves, diging fitting in that basement and digging some extra might be a
little easier ?)