Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
(01-26-2017, 02:17 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #286.

Day one-ish of the Cambridge Puzzle Hunt: we're not exactly doing okay, but then neither is anyone else...
  • [1:51 AM] Akumu: Too little sleep, returning later
  • qwerx is the first person in the competition to solve anything, doing so in just five minutes because he's bloody amazing.
  • [2:34 PM] Akumu: okay well it sounds like you have [Metathesis] under control
    (spoiler: I don't)
  • (granola shows up and takes a look at Metathesis)
    [6:55 PM] Sruixan: so well done granola on answering the puzzle
    [6:55 PM] Sruixan: now we just need to figure out how to solve it
    (which I do... eventually...)
  • [9:03 PM] Granola: side weird note: the pdf version of the puzzle lets you move the colored lines?

    (time passes)

    [9:13 PM] Granola: also they seem to have replaced the calligraphy puzzle pdf with a jpg
    (who knows: these two things could be completely unrelated...)
  • [9:17 PM] Granola: which color has the lowest frequency? if they combine that'd be the easiest place to look
    [9:17 PM] Akumu: red
    [9:17 PM] Akumu: but they're not all pure frequency colors
    [9:18 PM] Granola: Imean lowest occurences in the puzzle
    [9:18 PM] Granola: smartass
    [9:18 PM] Akumu: oh
    [9:18 PM] Akumu: I was being sincere
  • [9:36 PM] Akumu: How many strokes is traditional love?
  • [9:43 PM] Sruixan: so do you two know what you're doing or
    [9:43 PM] qwerx3: i can't say i know what i'm doing
  • [10:05 PM] DragonFogel: Some hours later, only two teams are up to three puzzles.
    [10:06 PM] DragonFogel: This is not an encouraging start.
    [11:25 PM] Sruixan: so puzzling has ground to a halt?
    [11:42 PM] DragonFogel: Pretty much.
    [11:43 PM] DragonFogel: Still only two teams with three puzzles.
    (see: what I said at the start of this post)
  • [1:47 AM] Sruixan: oh hey another team got up to three puzzles solved
    (it is fourteen hours after puzzle release on day one)

End of message.

Passes rule 4.

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