Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument

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Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument
"You will not claim my theremin, interloper!" declared the Theremind from atop his musically controlled hovercraft. "It is protected with a wall of hot pepper jellybeans!"

And so it was. Tonguewizard despaired - these jellybeans would be impossible for him to pass without tasting them.

Then he saw the podium across the chamber. Tonguewizard realized that, if he could give a powerful speech, he could move the hearts of the jellybeans, so that they would let him through!

But the only powerful speech Tonguewizard knew by heart was very long, and he would have to recite the whole thing for it to have the desired effect. And there was the matter of his difficulty speaking...
Worse still, the podium was protected. It lay across a sour floor, patrolled by chattering teeth creatures, and a pair of really dry lips.

Tonguewizard soon had a daring plan - if he could place himself within one of the chattering teeth, he might be able to give the speech clearly!

But the dry lips would seek him as soon as he stepped upon the sour floor, and the taste of it would mean that he could not stay long. What was more, there was no way he could be sure that the teeth would move where he wanted them too.
And seriously, that speech was really long. What if he dried out before he finished?
And could he count on the Theremind to leave him alone for the whole time?

This would be a difficult feat, to be sure. But if Tonguewizard were to claim the theremin, it was his only choice.
After a moment's thought, he took swift and decisive action.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Tonguewizard And The Journey For The Perfect Instrument - by Dragon Fogel - 09-25-2012, 02:16 AM