The Damnable Fisticuffs (Round One: Kingdom of Giam)

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The Damnable Fisticuffs (Round One: Kingdom of Giam)
RE: The Damnable Fisticuffs (Round One: Kingdom of Giam)
For a moment, Nurrkel thought Ve heard someone in the distance shout Ver name. But whoever it was did not come closer, so Ve ignored it and turned Ver thoughts to Ver opposition.
Ve was annoyed that Ve had been taken to this battle while Ve was in disguise, but then Ve had an idea. Ve could claim to be Shingles the Myrrhman, taken by mistake; after all, Nurrkel the Fifth was a V'kkrn name, but ve was clearly a v'kkrn. Why, ve had no antennae! And why would a V'kkrn be carrying unprocessed myrrh? Such a lowly task was only suited for a v'kkrn.
By hiding Ver true nature, Nurrkel would gain the confidence of the others, learn their weaknesses, and then Ve would strike mercilessly.
Nurrkel rubbed Ver forelegs together eagerly. Ve was pleased with this plan. Then Shingles the Myrrhman headed to the nearby forest, to find whoever had called out the name of one of ver betters. Or so ve would say if asked, at least.

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Tulip flew around absentmindedly. All she remembered was that the bearded guy had won seven times, and she wasn't going to let that stop her. The prize was hers!
"He may have seven prizes, but this one's mine! You hear me? Mine!" she shouted at the nearest peasant-mage, who was very confused.
"What is this? A new species of monster? And it talks? What sort of magic could have created you?" he mused.
"I'm not a monster! I'm Tulip! And I'm going to win the prize!"
"Well, er, good luck then," the mage said awkwardly. Then he had a thought.
"Oh, actually! I know where the, er, finish line? Yes, I know where the finish line is. Would you like me to show it to you?"
"The finish line? Yes! That's right, if I cross the finish line first, I win the prize! Great! Show me where it is!" Tulip exclaimed.
"Right this way," the mage said. He walked around the village, and entered a tiny hut. Then he lead the flower-butterfly to a large cage.
"The finish line is in there," he said.
"Hooray!" Tulip shouted, flying straight in. "That prize is mine!"
The door slammed shut, and suddenly everything went dark.
"Hello? Where is everyone? Where's the finish line? Where's my prize?"
But the mage couldn't hear her. The large cloth he had just thrown over her cage magically dampened all sound.
"Oh, I'm sorry," the mage chuckled to himself, as he began drafting his letter to the Giam Monster Research Institute. "It looks like I'll be claiming the prize instead."

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Damnable Fisticuffs - by Dragon Fogel - 09-18-2012, 04:15 AM
RE: The Damnable Fisticuffs (Round One: Kingdom of Giam) - by Dragon Fogel - 09-23-2012, 01:56 AM