Framing Device - Chapter 1: The Arachophobe

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Framing Device - Chapter 1: The Arachophobe
RE: Framing Device - Chapter 1: The Arachophobe
(01-14-2017, 06:18 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »snap at dr. question marks for not giving you a weapon

[Image: g9ZWJJ4.png]

Colin: "I couldn't even... I don't have a weapon or anything. I can't kill him."

???: "That is an invalid excuse. You are fully capable of forcing that creature to smash itself against the bars until its shell cracks open. You are making no sense."

Colin: "..."

(01-14-2017, 08:15 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>It is not the spider that must die, but your fear. You are afraid of the spider, which gives it strength. But you can control the spider, bend it to your will. Yet your will is weak, and at most you can tell it to back away. You will learn to command, or you will Perish. But do not sit in the corner feeling sorry for yourself, as it will only make you feel worse, and accomplish nothing.
...But if killing the spider is still too much, force it to sleep. Getting some rest will do you good.

???: "Colin. I am done playing this game with you. You will end this. You will do it right now."

Colin: "It's not... you're not in danger. Um, so it's alright. You don't have keep helping me. Or... yelling at me."

???: "I am incapable of yelling."

Colin: "Uh... right."

???: "Your permission to depart is touching. It is also deeply insulting. If I wanted to leave I wouldn't ask you first."

Colin: "..."

???: "Anger is the appropriate reaction. I am being intentionally flippant and aloof regarding our friendship."

Colin: "Oh... uh... sorry."

???: "No. Stop. An apology is not the reaction I am after. My intention is to spur you to action through harsh words. Since you are obviously immune to reason."

Colin: "..."

???: "You are forcing my hand, Colin. I am about t-"

Colin: "Please... uh... sorry, but... could you just leave me alone? Sorry."

???: "You will fall asleep and die if I leave you alone."

Colin: "..."

???: "I don't understand. Is your intention to commit suicide? You don't taste suicidal. More despondent than usual, even for you."

Colin: "Our... uh, our agreement."

???: "My end of the bargain was that I would not inject you for feeding purposes. I haven't violated that treaty. I am incapable of turning off my sense of taste."

Colin: "... ok."

???: "I still do not understand. If you do not want to die, why are you allowing this thing to endanger you?"

Colin: "I... uh... it's like you inside..."

???: "You will clarify."

Colin: "He's like... uh, most of the spiders aren't very... um... complicated inside. They just... uh, their not very smart... But he's like a whole person... even if he, um, hates me... and wants to eat me."

???: "You would view what I'm asking of you as murder."

Colin: *Slowly nods*

???: "Very well. Allow me to alleviate your conscience."

Colin: "Um... alright."

???: "This situation is my fault, and as such the responsibility for your murderous action lies with me."

Colin: "..."

???: "I bit the ringleader. I require a variety of emotional energies for proper nutrition. You are naturally an excellent source of sadness and fear. My diet has been critically low in anger and hatred since I befriended you. So I injected the ringleader to induce those emotional states. He had a bad reaction to the venom, though. I suspect he was somehow allergic. That is why he locked you in here with the monster and why he is presently terrorizing the other acts. It has never lasted this long before and I suspect he has suffered some form of neurological damage."

Colin: "..."

???: "You may now kill your tormentor in self-defense without guilt. The blame lies with me and not whatever imagined sins you assumed the ringleader was punishing you for. You are welcome."

Colin: "I... I knew... uh... already."

???: "You will repeat that."

Colin: "I knew you did that... It... um... sorry, I guess it's hard for you to... um... nevermind."

???: "I am going to restate this plainly to ensure that I understand. You have known this entire time that I was responsible for this situation."

Colin: "Y-yes."

???: "And yet you continue to refuse to save yourself."

Colin: "..."

???: "... Very well. You are clearly very intent on dying tonight. I have no further business with you. It was convenient knowing you. Goodbye, stupid girl."

Colin: "W-wait!... Hello? ... hello?" *Sniffle*

Colin: *Quiet Sobbing*

(01-14-2017, 10:56 PM)Tim Tesy Wrote: »> make it easier on yourself and imagine the spider with a cartoony face and not the fanged horror you see before you

Mea: "Unfortunately, Colin's imagination is not particularly active at the moment. With her mysterious friend gone, her only source of comfort is an escape into memory. Please suggest some shit for her to dwell on and I'll find a way to twist your suggestion into something that furthers the narrative."

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