Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
This is update #282.

Days four and five of SUMS: we are all tired and frustrated and nobody has enough time to do anything

also we hate extraction steps with a passion (here's looking at you, Encoded you should not have taken FIVE DAYS)
  • [2:09 PM] Sruixan: oh come on what the hell
    [2:11 PM] Sruixan: am I getting this conceptually wrong
    [2:11 PM] Sruixan: is effort involved
    (the third hint for Encoded finally confirmed that everything I thought I knew about it was wrong)
  • [4:18 PM] Sruixan: just
    [4:18 PM] Sruixan: can someone solve this for me please
    (spoiler warning: my idea for Encoded's arrow-based extraction was much better than the actual method)
  • (Fogel and granola finally suss out Tag)
    [10:42 PM] Akumu: Let's remember in the future to think of [REDACTED] any time we see the number [REDACTED]
    [10:43 PM] Akumu: Or, for the thread, "Let's remember in the future to think of [spoiler] any time we see the number [spoiler]"
    [10:43 PM] Sruixan: a [spoiler] and the number [spoiler]
    [10:43 PM] Akumu: haha
    [10:43 PM] Sruixan: coming soon to a Drawful near you
  • (late night knot theory session)
    [12:34 AM] Sruixan: the sixth knot is going to kill me
    [12:35 AM] DragonFogel: Just chop it to pieces, Alexander.
    [12:40 AM] Sruixan: but granola isn't here
    (*cricket chirps* okay I admit this is not the best joke I've ever made)
  • (Fogel and I admit defeat on the extraction step of (K)not Chemistry so I decide to sleep)
    [2:10 AM] Sruixan: anyway, goodnight
    [2:25 AM] Sruixan: Hi I am in bed
  • (and then, once we get the last two knots, we're stuck on what results...)
    [3:10 AM] DragonFogel: ...and that's the answer.
    [3:11 AM] DragonFogel: It's not a clue, the answer is straight-up [REDACTED].
    [3:12 AM] Sruixan: that better have been pretty fucking constrained by the metapuzzle
  • not much happens early on day five; Fogel suffers through bits of Transmutation and then I finally get back in for the evening and we breeze through Pointless Puzzle (once Aks helps us with our puns)
  • [1:58 AM] Sruixan: which reminds me my mum thinks Knit-Picking is bullshit
    (she never said the word itself but she strongly implied it)
  • and then I finally spot what aks did wrong during the extraction of Encoded
    [2:19 AM] Sruixan: answer should be [REDACTED]
    [2:20 AM] Akumu: Yep
    [2:20 AM] Sruixan: FUCK
    [2:20 AM] Akumu: Good eye
    [2:20 AM] Sruixan: I am feeling an emotion
anyway people are having a crack at A Way Out now but I need to sleep

End of message.

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