RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
12-29-2016, 09:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2017, 02:46 AM by Clockwork Dragon.)
Quote:> It'll rip a space hole open for you but first you have to go to the party.
Quote:**** * -*-- / -*** **- -** -** -*-- / *--* *- *-** --**-- / -*-- --- **- / --* --- - - *- / -*-* --- -- * / - --- / -- -*-- / *--* *- *-* - -*-- / **-* *-* ** * -* -** ** -* --- --**-- / ** *----* *-** *-** / --* * - -*-* **** *- / *- -* / * -**- *--* *-* * *** *** / - ** -*-* -*- * - / --- **- - / -*** **- - / -* --- - / -*** * **-* --- *-* * / ** / **** *- ***- * / -- -*-- / -*-* *- -*- *
Quote:>Extral: "What's in it for me?"
They're still talking strangely, but you think they want you to go to a party and after that they'll get you out.
Well, you'll have to go then!
What does this cool party look like?