Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
This is update #281.

Day three of SUMS: esrdthjyfl;dgfsnbbgkhjlxcfgv;bhgjxrdfthrnjhdxfscdw
  • [3:01 PM] Sruixan: hello I am in a car
    (knowing that Aks and Fogel aren't big cryptic fans I took 3.4 on the journey with me; this was a mistake)
  • [5:01 PM] Sruixan: I now have a large cardboard box on my lap, and in the box is a laptop.
    [5:03 PM] Sruixan: Right now, though, it's a good-quality flat surface (even if it is a bit too dark to see my printout grid)
  • [10:07 PM] Akumu: Help?
    (at this point Aks and Fogel are stuck on the extraction step of 3.1 for reasons that shall become apparent)
  • [11:44 PM] DragonFogel: Dang it Sean Gardiner, why do you have to overcomplicate your extraction steps.
    [11:44 PM] DragonFogel: Oh wait this isn't him, I must have been thinking of another puzzle.
    [11:46 PM] DragonFogel: Well I still stand by that statement as a general principle.
  • [12:02 AM] Sruixan: there are a lot of clues
    (I solved 90% of the buggers you know)
    [3:14 AM] Sruixan: are you telling me
    [3:14 AM] Sruixan: that all this time
    [3:14 AM] Sruixan: you couldn't get the answer because you made a spelling mistake
    [3:15 AM] DragonFogel: Day three: in which we get stuck on two separate puzzles due to spelling.
    (my spelling mistake is too spoilery to explain but my reaction to it being pointed out when I asked for help was "well shit" so that gives you a good idea of what went down)
End of message.

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