Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
(12-27-2016, 02:27 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #279.

Day one of SUMS 2016: qwerx has buggered off to hunt with another team, so when aks, Fogel and I realised that three heads are insufficient at this time of year, we send out a distress signal and managed to get granola to join us! Somehow we've actually managed to solve three out of four of the day's puzzles so far... despite the initial technical difficulties...
  • [8:11 AM] Akumu: Cool, five teams have solved the puzzle and I can't access it
    (as I was saying)
  • [8:49 AM] DragonFogel: Well now we have all the pictures, so what do we do.
    [8:50 AM] DragonFogel: Other than get Sruixan to sing it.
    (time passes, during which I remain asleep)
    [8:53 AM] Akumu: Well that didn't work
  • [11:42 AM] Sruixan: is it wrong that my reference for this idea is a monster factory video?
    (in so far as it turned out to be entirely the wrong idea, yes)
  • [6:53 PM] Akumu: We should get more eyes
  • [11:17 PM] Sruixan: mind you Big Break has had a heck of a lot of solves since this morning
    [11:18 PM] Sruixan: guess we're just waiting on a... breakthrough
    (and then the breakthrough actually occurs)
    [11:52 PM] Sruixan: with qwerx gone I am more than willing to assume my usual grunt role
  • [1:29 AM] Sruixan: I am now mad because we puzzled so hard I missed both Peaches and Whiteshadow dammit
    [1:29 AM] Akumu: ??
    [1:29 AM] Akumu: What are those
    [1:29 AM] Sruixan: rare neko atsume cats
End of message.

Three heads are totes sufficient

This post passes rules 3 and 4.

(12-27-2016, 03:25 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »resting Peaches

This post passes rules 1 and 2.

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