Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.

Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
RE: Critique and Advice; the treadmill of adventuring.
(12-20-2016, 05:41 AM)Mayu_Zane Wrote: »To other fellow creators: How do you balance between waiting for responses/suggestions and getting to work on the next update? In my experience there were times when I was working on an update, then someone posts in the thread with a really good idea and I felt like I had to stop and modify to put that in because it feels like if I didn't I would have missed a damn good opportunity.

in my experience, I just update with what feels right at the time. if i get suggestions i don't particularly like, i may spice it up and add more to it, or just wait for something else. After a day or 2 is enough time to wait for suggestions, afterwards its up to you.

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