Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
A complete list of what I graded "rule 5" on for each update:
Update 1: Post dateline must have all digits from the post number
Update 2: Flip a coin. If heads, it passes.
Update 3: Rolled a d4, and it must be higher than the previous post's d4
Update 4: PID%10 == Dateline%10
Update 5: First post of yours of the update
Update 6: Doubles in dateline
Update 7: No other rules passed
Update 8: Post has bbcode
Update 9: Shorter than previous post
Update 10: Sure, what the hell, everything passes
Update 11: Emojis
Update 12: CANADA
Update 13: Weird Dogs
Update 14: Weird Dogs 2: Weird Dog-aloo!
Update 15: Okay enough dogs. Anything without a dog passes.
Update 16: Either every letter is B, or no letter is B
Update 17: Randomly picked
Update 18: People who stayed up way too late last night
Update 19: Bribing me
Update 20: New posts I haven't seen before.
Update 21: KITTIES
Update 22: Tentacles
Update 23: "Rule 5 is easy to pass", eh Aks? Okay, everything *fails*
Update 24: Has (at least) two o's and a w (owo whats this?)
Update 25: Last post of theirs in update
Update 26: Not in voice chat

ALSO here's my notes for fun things which I saw while grading:

"Really technical pass 3" There's an image in the quote box. (RS8)

Thank Canada: Canada=9pts in Scrabble (RS25)

Sruixan - 11/30 at 12:36 PM
...what does it say about me that I was immediately worried it was my fault, despite knowing full well that I haven't posted much lately?
Kíeros - 11/30 at 12:37 PM

"Bee Bee Buh Buh" R25 BUH=8 so no nine, BUT NO MORE THAN NINE

"Standing Dog" SO CLOSE but has something drawn, sadly. (R20)

#9466 (R34) Technically passes because 0x01 is in ASCII, and #9467 technically fails because it's whitespace, so all 0 nonwhitespace characters are used the same

Kíeros - 12/5 at 8:06 PM
I will say that Fogel saying Swamped updated 100% caused me to say fuck

#9479 R30: 0 sentences with 0 words

"Reyweld's 4" WELL IT FAILS RULE 4

"One more post" #9494 YEAH RIGHT ONE MORE MY ASS

#9544 Must imply passing 3 R35 SO IT PASSES 3 SO IT FAILS 3

#9565 You technically can't reply there, SO IT'S A LIE!

#9606 IT HAS SIX WORDS ALL UNDERLINED but they are code

#9648 R33: Passes rule 1 of most recently hosted ruleset... which is R46, the ruleset this post was specifically designed to pass.

🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙

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