Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
Four "games" later, we still have not completed a single game.

Game 2: Standard Continents with AI

Shoshone. I end up on a continent with only AI. I quickly scout out two natural wonders, take the natural wonder pantheon, plop two cities near there, and go massive religion, converting all the AI on our continent. Eventually AI Venice (on my continent) starts taking a bunch of wonders, so I conquer Venice and get another city in a peace deal. So effectively I control most of the wonders and have a very dominating science lead.

Game 3: Huge Earth with AI

Germany. I did not start at the beginning, so inherited a pretty poor start thanks to the AI who had been playing the first 36 moves. For example, they wasted the first three policies in the Honor tree. This time I went Liberty instead, secured a bunch of luxuries, ended up on the top of the human players (despite not having any religion whatsoever).

Game 4: Small Pangaea without AI (4 players)

Ethiopia. Once again, typical Tradition into Great Library rush. I decided to try to commit to a one-city challenge, which made national wonders ridiculously easy to get. Too bad the city wasn't coastal though. The turning point came when my city's borders expanded to the third ring, where three desert salts were located. My pantheon was Desert Folklore, and I also constructed Petra. Austria had to leave early, and the other two human players were Huns and Aztecs... who both decided to max Honor first. At least the Huns eventually conquered Austria and took several citystates to boot. Then the Huns and the Aztecs ended up in a war, which doubled turn timers - ultimately, the host's computer allegedly exploded and the game disbanded.

That game I basically disregarded culture (in that I did not build any of the guilds, so my great work count was 2, from the Parthenon and the Globe Theater) and consequently acquired a ton of Great Scientists, about 7 in total. So while my opponents were at the Medieval and first couple of Renaissance techs, I had teched Radio.

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