RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Nature. Enemy of the Florida Man
12-10-2016, 07:31 PM
Quote: Ridge, Huerme, Sobek, star, Almond
Quote: Hey Neppy and Ammy, do you guys think Huerme and Sobek might be the game dev AIs from the dream sequence? I know it seems like a stretch but with that whole V1 business it seems like a plausible explanation.
I suppose they very well could be. They have often disguised themselves as different forms in the past, not at all unlike hades in truth.
Though they seem to have a...preference for disguising themselves as robots more often than naught.
Yeah, those dorks disguised themselves as me once y'know player. Two Amaterasu in the same universe.
It was incandescent as FUCK.
Well, player, there is one surefire way for you to check. Though I do not recommend it personally.
Neppy. No, I know exactly what you're about to suggest, hells to the N O. I refuse, I will straight up draft you a cease and desist order telling you TO STOP.
I don't enjoy it any more than you do Amaterasu, but we have an obligation to assist the player at least somewhat, even if that means our possible..demise.
Player, the developer AI do technically count as gods, can roomtrap them.
Considering you've played this game quite a number of times, I don't believe I need to remind you how to go about doing the roomtrap, yes?