4tuna Mafia Game

4tuna Mafia Game
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
[Image: bbLE7Ln.png]

<Veraxus takes a moment to think over everything, eventually taking notice of the bracelets nearby>

"Ah, ¿Alguien perdió una pieza de joyería? Did someone lose a piece of jewelry or something of the like? There are two small bracelets here on this table. I thought I might point them out to be safe. If no one has lost them ah.. would anyone be opposed to my taking one? They are fairly nice!"

"Ah, sorry sorry, but back to the topic at hand. Andromeda, these are...very serious accusations, needless to say I am..conflicted. While I do not believe in blindly trusting this information, it does line up with the late Hoot's theories. Tal alma, perdida por el tiempo ...Slider was on Hoots watch list, and you claim that they have done these terrible things. It...lines up fairly well."

<Veraxus sighs once more before continuing>

"But I would like to hear from more members of our crew before anything is settled. Specifically I would like to hear from Zephik, they have been...quite quiet during all of this."

Messages In This Thread
4tuna Mafia Game - by OTTO - 04-22-2009, 04:20 AM