4tuna Mafia Game

4tuna Mafia Game
RE: Day 4 - 4tuna Mafia Game (nine/11)
[]3? But I'm not a notail. I thiink you've mistaken me for some other fellow!
Our net survival is important! I know that we should be picking someone to lynch. []< Aall I'm saying is that maybe we should all laay out any reasons about why people are suspicious! Make some lists and suuch, you know?
For eexample, you voted for Dorite. But why? Did you rooll a dice to decide? Waas it based on how much they did or didn't talk? I just want to be able to make an informed decision!
... Or at least, as informed as I can maake like this, anyway. []<

Also, that Larry is creepiing me out a little. []<
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]

Messages In This Thread
4tuna Mafia Game - by OTTO - 04-22-2009, 04:20 AM