Post making contest 6.0

Post making contest 6.0
RE: Post making contest
This is update #267.

On the previous Solid Mechanics problem sheet, there was an optional bonus question concerning the very nasty "proof" of the incredibly useful Baker-Ericksen inequalities (given an unproven but slightly easier to justify identity). It was not a simple task. The lecturer had said, as if to highlight the optional nature of the exercise, that there would be "prizes" on offer to those who turned in the best solutions (one for each class, I believe, since two were handed out).

I was not paying attention during that lecture. I was zoned out doing another problem sheet for my triple deadline hell day. I just did the thing. It took a while. An entire evening, in fact, that it wasn't necessarily sane to have spent as I did. And even then, I was 90% sure one of my key steps was complete bullshit, but I did at least point that out.

[Image: 20161125_171533.jpg]
(placed on top of some of the bit of the rough working where I finally had my "a-ha" moment)

Worth it.

End of message.

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