RE: Post making contest
11-19-2016, 12:24 AM
(11-18-2016, 07:08 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »You've been cting wful tough ltely,
Smoking * lot of cigrettes ltely,
But inside, you're just * little bby.
It's oky to sy you've got * wek spot,
You don't lwys hve to be on top.
Better to be hted
Thn loved loved loved for wht your not.
This post psses rule 5.
(11-18-2016, 07:42 PM)a52 Wrote: »{NO}
This post passes rules 3, 4 and 5.
(11-18-2016, 08:10 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »This post has [oil], right?
It wouldn't if memory serves, but at least it passes rules 2 and 5...
(11-18-2016, 08:22 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »+++++++[>++++++++++++++++>++++++++++++>+++++>++++++++>++++++>+++++++++++++>+++++++++>+++++++++++++++<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>.++++++++.<<<<<-.---.<++[>+++.<-]>>>>>>>--.<<<<.>.--------...++++++++.--------.>>------.--.+++++++.-----.<<<<.<<++++[>>+++++<<-]>>.+.<+.>>---.<<---.-.++++.+.>>.<<----.>--------.<+++..>++++.<.>>.<<-.+++.>>>>>>>+++.<<<<<<.<--.>>.>>++<<<<<++++[>>>>+.>.<<.<<<-]>>----.>>>>>>++.<<<<<<+++.>.>+.<+.>>>--.<+++.<<<--.>>>>++.--.<.<<<+.<----.---.<++[>+++.<-]>>>>>>++.
Nice try, but I'm afraid this only passes rules 2 and 5... even then, 5 is a bit iffy; I'm just passing it for consistency...
(11-18-2016, 08:29 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »#My fault, sorry~...!
This post passes rule 5.
(11-18-2016, 08:52 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Ixcaliber
This post passes rule 2.
(11-18-2016, 09:04 PM)a52 Wrote: »$$$;
*[=[*] *S=S=S=S=S
( !) =S*S=S=S
(/!) =! *S*S=S=S
! =[=] *S=S=S=S
((!)) =[=] *S=S=S=S
(!) =[=] *S=S=S=S
This post passes rules 2 and 5.
(11-18-2016, 09:22 PM)qwerx3 Wrote: »qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
This post passes rule 5.
(11-18-2016, 09:23 PM)qwerx3 Wrote: »1234567890!@#$%^&*()`~-_=+[]{};':",./<>?
This post passes rules 2 and 5.
(11-18-2016, 10:57 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »I haven't eaten anything since I woke up. (I did eat, um, "breakfast" before I finally got to sleep, at least, so it could be worse.)
Clearly I need to post in the PMC before doing something about this.
This post passes rules 3 and 5.
(11-18-2016, 11:07 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »Why has procrastination afflicted me so?
This post passes rules 2 and 5.
(11-18-2016, 11:27 PM)qwerx3 Wrote: »2.0! 2.0!
This post passes rules 2 and urgh fine 5 sure whatever.
(11-18-2016, 11:28 PM)qwerx3 Wrote: »(has started being split off)
This post passes rules 2 and 5.
(11-18-2016, 11:34 PM)qwerx3 Wrote: »The PMC empire spans approximately 10% of Eagle Time.
Eep! This incredibly scary post passes rules 2 and 5.
HINT: some interesting things occur during this judgement post.