The Official Fogel Writes Silly Things Thread

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The Official Fogel Writes Silly Things Thread
RE: The Official Fogel Writes Silly Things Thread

The ducks were coming.
The warnings had been many, but in our folly, we had ignored them. And now we were to pay the price for our willful ignorance.
Of course, we all wondered how we could be so blind. They had been gathering right in front of our noses, in ponds, in flocks... and as they schemed against us, we fed them breadcrumbs.
We had thought it an act of kindness. But to the ducks, it was an act of war. Or perhaps they were merely bombarding our cities with enormous breadcrumbs out of a sense of irony; it was hard to be sure of their true motivations when the only words of explanation the enemy had to offer were "Quack quack!"
Their warships seemed unstoppable; conventional weapons didn't even scratch it. Every government authorized the use of nuclear weapons to fend off the threat, but it was too late; the ducks had already taken over every missile base on the planet.
Our doom was inevitable. The ducks had complete control. Even if we had a way to fight back, they could simply launch all the missiles and destroy us in one fell swoop.
Some wondered why they didn't. Did they want to watch us suffer? Did they want us as their servants? Did they fear nuclear radiation? Did they have an even more sinister plan in mind?
But such questions were mere distractions, a way to forget for a few moments that our doom was at hand. All hope was lost. The ducks had won, and we were helpless to change that.
Some refused to believe it. They grabbed whatever weaponry they could find, and rushed out, hoping to at least put a dent in the duck population before they were gunned down.
They didn't pluck so much as a single feather before they were gunned down. It only further revealed the hopelessness of the situation.
Night fell. The bombardment had slowed, but only because their was so little left to destroy. We still had no idea of their motives, no hope of fighting back, nothing save our fear.
And then, suddenly, a voice cried out from the tallest building. Upon hearing it, the duck forces quacked loudly and suddenly fled, their warships turning away, their forces leaving the base. We had been saved, and only in the morning did we learn by whom.
One brave woman had seen it all, seen the senseless destruction, the futile sacrifices, the unrelenting foe.
And yet she still had hope. And a plan.
She had climbed to the top of the tallest building in the city, carrying a megaphone. Exhausted, she nevertheless summoned the strength to say a single word, a word that drove the entire duck fleet away.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Official Fogel Writes Silly Things Thread - by Dragon Fogel - 08-22-2012, 04:42 AM