4tuna Mafia Game

4tuna Mafia Game
RE: 4tuna Mafia Game (Day 1, 11/11)
[Image: 8ZrEwIY.png]

Dot: Howdy and hey there, ladies and gentlemen. Dot Harzel. It's a pleasure. I see I'm not the last one to join the parade! That's good. I was chomping at the bit in the traffic on the way here, sure I was gonna be late.
so! I'm glad to be here! I'm hired on as the negotiation's officer. We're gonna run into a lot of flak between here and the legendary planet, and you'd be surprised how many situations can be taken care of with the spoken word as opposed to fire power (That said, I ain't too bad with a six shot). I'll also be getting us some better prices on food and parts so we can save our cash for gas and maybe a few neat trinkets.

Dot @ Gee: I got a gum wrapper, actually, if you want it. It's pretty reflecty. or were you thinking more along the lines of metal?

Dot: As far as a first mate? I uh... suppose there's no better dude for the job than the one that's going to tell us all where we're going anyhow. Make the navigator first mate.
[Image: lmmpL3T.png]

Messages In This Thread
4tuna Mafia Game - by OTTO - 04-22-2009, 04:20 AM