Mini-Grand 5801 [Round 1: Gridlock]

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Mini-Grand 5801 [Round 1: Gridlock]
Re: Mini-Grand 5801 [Round 1: Gridlock]
The Abomination was alone again. The humans it had encountered had been completely oblivious to its machinations, convincing the monstrosity that it had been far too subtle. In the future it would have to be more direct if it hoped to leave its prison. It had attempted to chase the fleeing humans, but they were too quick for it. Normally it would have been able to keep pace, but the sweltering heat of this place was too much.

Still The Abomination believed the individual known as Ryan would be the best bet to release it, and so blindly dragged itself in his rough direction. Along the way it 'watched' as his mind flickered and darkened. The Abomination allowed his safe to drop to the ground for the moment while it worked out what was going on. It knew Ryan had not died; his mind had not been extinguished completely. It resembled the mind of that creature Krelgor. The Abomination, had he had an eyebrow might have raised it quizzically at this. Presumably Ryan was 'Contaminated' now. It did not matter, in fact this might even prove advantageous. In this mutated state Ryan might prove easier to convince. In fact...

The Abomination began to really focus as it searched for the minds of others. It ignored the strong signals of the humans and Digger, it even ignored the mediocre signs of Ryan and Krelgor. With enough scrutiny it found them; the Contaminated. Their mental facilities were still working, just about, but they were so faint as to be almost unnoticable until you went looking for them. The Contaminated, even dumber than than the half-breeds, would be easy to convince, maybe even... control? Without a second thought The Abomination dragged itself towards the largest pack of Contaminated it could find.

Messages In This Thread
Mini-Grand 5801 [Round 1: Gridlock] - by Pinary - 07-14-2011, 02:42 AM
Re: Mini-Grand 5801 [Round 1: Gridlock] - by Ixcaliber - 08-20-2011, 09:25 PM