RE: [Cosmosdex] Migration: DONE!
09-07-2016, 08:47 AM
Change Log
I decided to just change this topic in to a changelog topic for the site, mainly for my own sake of keeping track of what I'm working on. If you by any chance see any bugs or whatever on the site feel free to tell me about it on this topic. Also feel free to suggest improvements or give me suggestions as to what you would like to see on the site. This will also be updated when the redux starts updating after I fix all of the major bugs I'm working on right now.
- The Random Entries section in every dex entry now actually works and will show you random entries every time you reload the page or go to a new one.
- The random section in the main page, species page, fauna page, and AI section work, with the main random page drawing from all entries and the other ones drawing from only their respective pages.
- Only planets with actual info show up in the random section to prevent people from being taken to a blank page. As such there's only a pool of 3 planets currently.
- The navigation no longer shoves itself fist first in to the middle of dex pages if there's not enough info. (This was common in the homeworld sections.)
- Oomn have artwork.
- Kounini have artwork.
- Drakons have new artwork in the gallery.
- The trait submission section has been cleared with most being added. (Did not keep track of which traits were added, woops.)
- New fauna Magneto-Horzz added.
- New fauna Mormite added.
- New fauna Shambling Messes added.
- New fauna Space Bear added.
- New fauna Space Tuna added.
- New planet Moiresme added.
- Pacoficus now has a full entry unlike most homeworlds.
To Do List
- Put in the Husses artwork.
- Replace the filler text in the species and AI section.
- Put in art for the main dex page instead of it being 10 angry Artemis in a row.
- Change it so that clicking pictures takes you to that thing's dex page as well.
- Create an art-submissions section.
- Create an application rules/guide section.
- Update the homepage with non filler.
- Block out the [Items and Upgrades] | [Gods and Worship] | [Timeline and History] | [Achievements] sections until they have something actually in them but filler.
- Create an application section for the [Items and Upgrades], and [Achievements] sections.
Known issues
- Looking at the site on a phone sucks.
- Looking at the site on a tablet sucks less than the phone version but still kind of sucks.
- The N-Z button in the AI dex is extremely useless.
- There's a lot of bugs in the redux system that I'm not going to bother listing as the redux isn't public yet.