RE: Post making contest
09-03-2016, 12:36 PM
(09-03-2016, 08:15 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »Slightly exciting (and yet war-less) civ game! (Also, on marathon... never again (actually it wasn't TOO bad, it took only 5 hours to play))
I'm going for a Diplomatic Victory. First I need to trigger the World Leader vote, and since I'm ahead in tech I need to beeline some Information Era tech. The easiest is probably Satellites, since it only requires Rocketry+Radar (instead of Ecology+Penicillin+Atomic Theory for Telecommunications). Through running science conversion, using Rationalism's free technology, and getting a Great Scientist naturally, this puts me up to about 1/4 of the way to Satellites (24 turns to research left) with about 10 turns left to the next World Congress vote. I then realize that with my faith I can nearly purchase another Great Scientist, but at my current faith generation it would take 9 turns to get a Great Scientist, too slow (since it takes a turn to activate the Great Scientist). So I buy a temple and that's too slow as well. Hmm... that's all of the faith buildings... but then I see that the Grand Temple is unlocked, so in 4 turns that gets built. This is just enough to push the faith down to 8 turns to get a Great Scientist, and thus get Satellites (which in turn triggers the World Leader vote in 30 more turns).
Then I check the vote threshold. 28 votes. That's a lot. I do have the host (6 votes), all citystates (16 votes), and the Forbidden Palace (2 votes), but that's only 24 votes. Fortunately I did propose my World Ideology so that would be 2 votes. Aw, I guess I'll win in 60 additional turns. Oh well.
But then the vote comes and it turns out that there's a World Religion proposal as well! Not my religion though. At least I have one of my three cities following the religion, so I decide to be a little sneaky and vote both proposals in. As it turns out my faith generation was just enough so that 28 turns after the vote, I had enough faith to acquire a missionary in said city, and managed to convert my non-capital to that religion. Which was exactly the turn that I needed the missionary to save 60 turns of the game. All in all, a pretty satisfying first Emperor win.
Passes no rules
Heaven Help Us | Make Room!!!! | I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Hang 'Em High | The Only Hope For Me Is You | Zero Percent | Early Sunsets Over Monroeville | DESTROYA | Demolition Lovers | To The End
Surrender The Night | Disenchanted | The Ghost Of You | Party Poison | Vampires Will Never Hurt You | The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You
Hang 'Em High | The Only Hope For Me Is You | Zero Percent | Early Sunsets Over Monroeville | DESTROYA | Demolition Lovers | To The End
Surrender The Night | Disenchanted | The Ghost Of You | Party Poison | Vampires Will Never Hurt You | The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You