The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) -Done and Stuff-

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The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) -Done and Stuff-
RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest)
(07-29-2012, 12:46 AM)btp Wrote: »Go ahead and swap out squirt for buckshot first, having both brother's with you will help with the third and you don't want Your cook getting mad at you for putting her son in danger.

Heh, listen to yourself, "Your cook." you've practically taken over this ship already!

(07-29-2012, 01:53 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »yup do that and then buckingham or nailz, whoever you find first

[Image: ocean_0028_by_theboyd-d596a9v.png]

You walk on over to the Mizzenmast and tell Squirt you have a very special mission for him. He gets to sit in the nest and watch out for trouble.
He's not too excited about it. He wants to go with you on an ADVENTURE!
But he begrudgingly accepts

[Image: ocean_0029_by_theboyd-d596af5.png]

[Image: ocean_0030_by_theboyd-d596al7.png]

Well that happened.
Next up is Nailz and Buckingham. Although you certainly havn't given up on Fodder or Melons. You'll have to think of something to convince them to come along later.
For now you ask Buckshot if he knows where Buckingham is.

Great to have you along with us Buckshot. Any clue where your last brother is?

Probably sleeping in his quarters. Be quite a trick waking him up though, I'll tell you that.

Hmm, well I'm sure with both of you along he'll be no trouble to recruit once he's up though, right?

Yeah, if you approached him with just one of us, he'd probably resist, but with us both. That'll be a cakewalk.

What's a cakewalk?

I have no idea.

So what about Nailz?

I dunno, probably in some dark corner of the ship being creepy. Man that guy gives me the willies.

What are willies?

I have no idea.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - by TheBoyd - 07-29-2012, 07:59 PM