The Broken Prophecy (Walls O' Text)

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The Broken Prophecy (Walls O' Text)
RE: The Broken Prophecy (Walls O' Text)
Edwin decided to start from the beginning.

"What happened, exactly? The demons have taken most of the villages, and I've heard both the castle and the Grand Church have fallen. How did they manage this? And when? Did any humans turn on us?"

Father Lepid sighed.

"I'm afraid I can't be of much help to you there. I was a bit preoccupied with treating the sick and wounded, and I preferred to keep to myself, my herbs, and my silkworms when I had the time to spare. But I'll tell you what I remember.

"I served in the village of Aven, as you'll recall. It was one of the first to suffer from the demon raids. But the demons seemed more concerned with razing the buildings than in killing us. They slaughtered any villagers who got in their way, but if we fled, they ignored us. Perhaps they sought something in our village.

"Regardless of their reasons, most of us survived, and we fled to the Grand Church. It was a long way, and we had no horses to ease the journey, but I knew we would be safe there. We arrived shortly after you had delivered the news of Alicia's death. I was shocked to hear of it, and even more that you had been declared a heretic; but those thoughts soon became buried as I devoted myself to my work.

"Due to my expertise in herbs, I was quickly assigned to aid the medics, and it kept me quite busy. It was rare that new arrivals were in good shape, after all. And it seemed that the demons had stepped up their attacks, perhaps emboldened by the death of our prophesied hero; I soon gave up trying to keep track of all the villages that fell, as the sheer number was depressing.

"It was a mere two weeks later that the castle fell. I recalled that much clearly, as I was surprised to see several knights in my makeshift infirmary. From that day on, there was a sense among us all that the battle had already been lost.

"Yet the days continued as usual. More villages fell, and more refugees arrived. I was busier than ever. I lost track of how long it was then - it might have been days, weeks, even months, I was too busy to care.

"And then, suddenly, the demons struck the Grand Church itself. I am not sure how they did it; perhaps they sent spies along with the refugees, or perhaps they had simply gained enough power. Whatever the case, they soon overwhelmed all of our knights, and the rest of us fled. I do not know how many survived that attack, or the harshness of the world now that the demons reign."

Edwin looked down sadly.

"Blackbird," he said, finally. "If I go back, is there some chance I might stop this?"

The mercenary shrugged.

"Could be. As I said, I've never managed a large-scale change." Then he smiled. "But if I were in your shoes, I'd go for it. If this ruined future really can't be changed, then what do you stand to lose by trying?"

Edwin smiled.

"Thank you. Now, I suppose I still have some questions..."


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