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[Image: dy05VUW.gif]

It was a dark and stormy night.


[Image: 4K16ywV.gif]

Though not quite.

For you see, it was day.


[Image: c0ZjXpz.gif]

A birthday, in fact, of this strapping young man standing before us. His sixteenth birthday, to be precise, the 31st of March, 2015. Though it was sixteen years ago he was given life, he has not yet bothered to learn his name!

Care to remind him of it?

>Enter name.

[Image: KzUlFHD.gif]

No, that's not it. Try again.

>Try again.

[Image: b2za4rs.gif]

Has a nice ring to it, but still no.

>Try again, again.

[Image: zams5QM.gif]

You know what? Forget it. Hold on, where is it...


[Image: 0k0HQTf.png]

Aha, there it is! You dig up your HONORARY PLACRONYM from your CLOSET and put it on top of your CABINET.

>Examine room.

[Image: vLhrHZy.gif]

Your name is LEONARDO (also intimately known as LEO). As was previously mentioned, it is your BIRTHDAY. A number of INSTRUMENTS are scattered about your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for REALLY EXCELLENT MOVIES. You like to program, draw, and compose music on computers but you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You have a fondness for PARANORMAL LORE, and are an aspiring WEB ARTIST. You also like to play GAMES sometimes.

What will you do?

>Leo: Take keyboard from under bed and play some sick jams.

[Image: HZnJbmy.gif]

How can you play a single instrument when you've nary an arm, shitprince!

>Leo: Retrieve arms from cabinet.

[Image: ZycFxbf.gif]

Your ARM is in your OUTTA SPACE CHEST, snackstain!

>Leo: Retrieve arm from SPACE CHEST.

[Image: IGtRFnY.png]

You retrieve your REMOTE-CONTROLLED ARM from the chest. You made it yourself as a little side project!

There are other items in the chest.

>Leo: Who cares. Just play on your little keyboard already.

[Image: hG6D0zi.png]

[Image: cicuG24.png]

Yeesh, alright, no need to get ANTSY.

You captchalogue the arm and remote glove in your SYLLADEX, using your RHYME DISASSOCIATION modus. Here's a brief rundown on how it works: whenever you captchalogue something, you assign it a word (usually what the item is called for convenience). The next object you captchalogue should have no obvious association to its predecessor. The first second card has to rhyme with the item right below it, and so does the first final card.

Say you captchalogue some LASAGNA. The card below it must contain an item that rhymes with it. A glass of water, or rather AQUA, will do just nicely.

>Leo: Yeah, cool. That instrument won't play itself, you know.

[Image: Xxubiot.gif]

[Image: V2UvubK.png]

Oh, would you look at that. You don't have enough SHITPOINTS for a sick KEYBOARD SOLO right now. Try shitting around in your room some more to grind up some SHITPOINTS, greasegrowth.

Well, you guess you could always BUY shitpoints, but where's the fun in that?

>Leo: You look EXACTLY like this other guy I know...

[Image: O4hd8cj.png]

HARRY POTTER, right? Yeah, you get that a lot.

It's almost as if the AUTHOR, J.K. ROWLING, had intentionally modeled her character after YOU this whole time. You are very certain of this theory.

>Leo: Rip Troll poster off the wall. What a terrible movie.

[Image: SMN5Zar.png]



Sorry, but you must be thinking of another movie. TROLL is one of the BEST fantasy movies you have ever seen in your ENTIRE LIFE. When TOROK sacrificed all his hard work to save the life of WENDY, your heart just BROKE.

TROLL 2 was good in its own respect, even though it had nothing to do with TROLL 1. Your mind was absolutely BLOWN AWAY at the "NILBOG" being backwards for "GOBLIN" revelation.
WOW, who came up with that??

But yeah, you're told to tear these posters down on a regular basis.

>Leo: Look fondly upon the Windows 95 poster.

[Image: 8TkhNBx.png]


Ah yes, a poster of the blog that has provided you with countless TIPS, TRICKS, and TWEAKS to get the most out of your WINDOWS 95 computer.
That is, if you had one.

Purchased from the devil himself.

(By whom you mean BILL GATES.)

>Leo: Examine calendar.

[Image: na9bb9H.png]

You've marked your birthday, the 31st of March. Another day you marked was supposed to be the arrival date for the highly touted SBURB BETA LAUNCH.

It's been four days already. That's like, a WEEK in kid years.
It's starting to become a sore subject with you.

>Leo: Search the skies for aliens.

[Image: Y1lMFCW.gif]

Finally, the single good idea you've had all day!


[Image: g9W0YGx.gif]

Too bad it's too rainy to see any unidentified freaky objects zipping around, clearly anyway.

Huh? What was that?
You could've sworn you saw something.
Whatever it was, there is nothing there now. Maybe it was only a trick of the light.

Or perhaps not.

>Leo: Come back down to earth.

[Image: kyabUhX.gif]

You get your head out of the sky and look down towards your yard.

The tree is barren, free of any leaves or tire swings. In a kid's yard, a tree without a tire swing is like a proper gentleman without a monocle. That is to say, HE CAN HARDLY BE CONSIDERED A TERRIBLY PROPER GENTLEMAN AT ALL.

And there beside your driveway is your mailbox.

>Leo: Examine mailbox.

[Image: BAqqCWN.gif]

[Image: 6xpx4sK.png]

Oh sweet, the little red arm-swingy-lever-dealy is flipped up!

What the hell is that thing called anyway. You do not have time for these semantics. The red flippy-lever thing means you have new mail. And that means the beta might be here!

>Leo: Go outside and check mailbox.

[Image: U3DOrqw.gif]

You are about to hurry downstairs when you hear a car pull into the driveway. It looks like your MOM has returned from the grocery store.

Oh great, she is beating you to the mail. Now you'll never get your hands on the beta.


[Image: OZw5LbS.png]

The requisite for shitpoints has never been more dire.

Messages In This Thread
Househeld - by Sharkalien - 07-17-2016, 08:56 PM
RE: Househeld - by Sharkalien - 07-17-2016, 09:14 PM
RE: Househeld - by juddy555 - 07-21-2016, 02:07 AM