RE: Post making contest
07-12-2016, 07:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-12-2016, 07:15 AM by qwerx3.)
May be a useful reference???? (designed to be an executive summary of rules)
[Content rules:]
Content/Misc rules:
23.4 - Post must shout (exclamation marks, all caps, XXL text, saying you are shouting)
26.2 - Post includes 'pre' and 'post'; all 'pre' come before all 'post'
27.2 - Contains more dots than lines.
32.3 - Contains exposed BBcode
Content/Character rules:
1.1 - Contains "a"
2.2 - Contains digit
2.4 - Contains three different punctuation
3.2 - Contains two distinct characters on the shifted number row !@ӣ$%^&*()#$
3.4 - Exactly 4 vowels
5.1 - Same number of apostrophes and periods, more than 0
6.1 - Must use all letters in "post" in order
6.2 - Must not have consecutive letters of the alphabet following each other in alphabetical order.
7.2 - Contains every letter of the poster’s username.
7.5 - Begins and end with the same character.
8.3 - Contain at least one numeral and one symbol
8.4 - Doesn't contain any spaces
9.4 - Doesn't contain any punctuation marks that aren't periods
10.5 - Doesn't contain the letter e.
11.1 - No visible alphanumeric characters
11.3 - No visible symbols/punctuation
13.1 - Contain two unicode symbols not on a keyboard
16.3 - All characters in username of author of quoted post outside quote tags
16.4 - No characters in poster's username outside quote tags, 16.3 takes precedence
18.4 - Same number of apostrophes and periods, more than 0
19.5 - Contains either X or 0
21.2 - Contains letters f, u, c, k, in order (not consecutive)
25.5 - Uses exactly 13 letters of the alphabet an odd number of times.
28.1 - Contains exactly 8 i's
31.4 - Contains every letter not contained in poster's username
31.5 - Doesn't contain any letter in poster's username
34.2 - Contains a non-ASCII character
Content/Capitalization rules:
4.5 - Contain both capital and lowercase letters
5.2 - No caps
8.2 - Contain both capital and lowercase letters
12.3 - At least 3 capital letters
18.5 - No caps
Content/Word rules:
3.1 - Include previous poster
3.5 - Odd number of words
4.1 - Doesn't contain "Reyweld" / "reyweld"
6.5 - Spell English word using initials of consecutive (>=3) words
7.1 - Include a unique word (per round)
7.4 - Contain an adjective
12.2 - Contain please
14.5 - Contain weird dog
15.1 - Welcoming to the Space Consortium
19.4 - Every sentence contains unique word of 86 (Megaman)
20.3 - Correctly spell a word with >=4 syllables
20.4 - Contain an invented word
22.3 - Contains a word found in both quoted and non-quoted text
22.5 - Contains title of a Fogel adventure
23.1 - Three words of positive emotion [syntactically correct; semantically incorrect]; [syntactically incorrect]; [3 layers of BBcode]
23.2 - No negatory adjectives, modifiers, or particles
24.2 - Doesn't contain "rule"
25.1 - Only words from xkcd simplewriter
25.2 - Only words constructible from element symbols
25.4 - Word scoring >9 in scrabble, no word scoring =9
26.3 - Contain double letters
28.2 - Contain palindrome of at least three words
28.3 - Contain emotion word
29.1 - Contain an adjective from one GB and battle word from another
29.2 - Doesn't contain "the"
29.4 - Doesn't contain double letters
31.2 - All words are scrabble-legal (OWL2)
33.5 - Include next poster
34.1 - Has word in foreign language
34.3 - Has a shortened form of a word with a different spelling
34.4 - Has a word 3+ syllables without silent letters or dipthongs
34.5 - Doesn't contain "Kieros" or "Keiros"
Content/Semantic rules:
9.2 - Must contain at least one word from each of the three basic tenses, in order.
16.2 - No shitposting, substantive reply to quote
17.1 - Bird-related pun
17.3 - Bug-based wordplay
17.4 - Onomatopoeia
17.5 - Say something nice about a fellow forumite
20.1 - No meta talk
20.2 - Depict a smile
24.5 - Contain a hot new meme
27.1 - Post contains a secret or be secret.
29.5 - Contain a meme that existed before round started
32.1 - Name a fictional thing and describe it
Content/Sentence rules:
1.3 - Post must contain a sentence ending in a period.
3.3 - Ask a question
5.5 - Sentences no longer than 5 syllables
9.1 - Exactly 3 sentences
9.3 - Everything in the post must be contained within sentences that start with the word “I” (in this case, the absence of content is still considered part of the post)
9.5 - Must have at least two sentences with the same word count.
10.4 - 2 lines of iambic pentameter
17.2 - Acrostic, First letter of each line is a word
18.1 - Sentences no longer than 5 syllables
19.1 - Exactly 8 sentences
19.2 - Complete and unique cycle between last letter of one sentence and first of another
21.3 - At least 2 sentences
21.5 - Start every sentence with the letter of the previous
22.2 - Seventeen syllable sentence
23.3 - Each two sentences must end with the same syllable
24.4 - 3 sentences with alphabetically consecutive letters
25.3 - Longest sentence must have word lengths starting 3,1,4,1,5
30.2 - All sententences have same number of words
30.3 - Sentences in alphabetical order
30.4 - Post when reversed must also be in alphabetical order
30.5 - All sentences under 140 characters
Content/Post rules:
8.1 - Post must be between 8 and 16 characters
12.4 - Shorter than 80 pixels
22.4 - Nonquoted text at most 140 characters
26.5 - Define: "segment" to be letters between pre and post. Segment must be an anagram of previous post's segment.
Content/Number rules:
7.3 When all the numbers in the post are added up the result must be greater than ten and even.
Content/Smiley rules:
1.2 - 2 different ET smilies
4.3 - More ET smilies than previous post
13.4 - 4 different smileys, 6 total smileys
16.5 - Non ET smiley
[Format rules:]
Format/Misc rules:
6.4 - At most 3 BBcode tags
26.4 - No BBcode
Format/Quote rules:
1.4 - Quote g0m
2.3 - No quotes
13.5 - Emptyquote unless username contains X, then double emptyquote
14.4 - No quotes
16.1 - Quote another post in thread
21.4 - Inaccurate quote box
22.1 - Quote another post out of thread
28.4 - Quote the host but alter the post in a different but recognizable way
29.3 - Quote the entire text of the introductory round
Format/Spoiler rules:
2.1 - Contains spoiler
14.1 - Entirely in spoiler tag
Format/Color rules:
12.1 - Colorful text
13.3 - Background tag for the whole text except last word
19.3 - Background/color combo unique
24.1 - Post in the same color text as the last judgement post
32.2 - Contains two background/color combos where the background of one is the color of the other and vice versa
Format/BIU rules:
4.4 - Bolding or italics but not both
13.2 - Bold, underline, italic in that order
Format/Size rules
5.4 - Edited text size (sub/sup counts)
18.2 - Edited text size (sub/sup counts)
Format/Video_Link rules:
11.4 - No videos
12.5 - Contain a hyperlink
15.3 - Attempt to trick
32.4 - Contains embedded rickroll (or a link to)
33.4 - Links to itself
Format/Picture rules:
5.3 - Contains image
8.5 - No images
10.1 - Picture of a reptile
10.2 - Reptile must be primarily blue
11.2 - No images
15.2 - Contain picture of weird dog
18.3 - Contains image
20.5 - Contains visual art
24.3 - Contain glittertext
[Meta rules:]
Meta/Edit rules:
33.2 - Unedited at time of judging
Meta/Signature rules:
1.5 - Post must not include signature
Meta/Subject rules:
2.5 - Post subject edited
26.1 - Post subject doesn't contain re
Meta/Time rules:
4.2 - Time is not 2 mod 10
31.1 - Post must be made at least 1 hour after previous
Meta/PostNumber rules:
10.3 - Post number must be odd
14.2 - Post number is prime
14.3 - Post contains its own post number
21.1 - Not part of a doublepost
30.1 - Total alphabetic value sums to post number
31.3 - Total post length in characters divides post number
32.5 - Contains a number of made-up words equal to post number mod 100
33.3 - If a post has a positive integer, let the first occurrence be X; the post X posts later passes this rule
Meta/Supermeta rules:
11.5 - You can break another rule if you post a fox
15.4 - Rules 1-3 fulfilled in previous post
15.5 - Break exactly one of rules 1-3
33.1 - Follow rule 1 from your most recently hosted ruleset / autopass if none hosted
[Content rules:]
Content/Misc rules:
23.4 - Post must shout (exclamation marks, all caps, XXL text, saying you are shouting)
26.2 - Post includes 'pre' and 'post'; all 'pre' come before all 'post'
27.2 - Contains more dots than lines.
32.3 - Contains exposed BBcode
Content/Character rules:
1.1 - Contains "a"
2.2 - Contains digit
2.4 - Contains three different punctuation
3.2 - Contains two distinct characters on the shifted number row !@ӣ$%^&*()#$
3.4 - Exactly 4 vowels
5.1 - Same number of apostrophes and periods, more than 0
6.1 - Must use all letters in "post" in order
6.2 - Must not have consecutive letters of the alphabet following each other in alphabetical order.
7.2 - Contains every letter of the poster’s username.
7.5 - Begins and end with the same character.
8.3 - Contain at least one numeral and one symbol
8.4 - Doesn't contain any spaces
9.4 - Doesn't contain any punctuation marks that aren't periods
10.5 - Doesn't contain the letter e.
11.1 - No visible alphanumeric characters
11.3 - No visible symbols/punctuation
13.1 - Contain two unicode symbols not on a keyboard
16.3 - All characters in username of author of quoted post outside quote tags
16.4 - No characters in poster's username outside quote tags, 16.3 takes precedence
18.4 - Same number of apostrophes and periods, more than 0
19.5 - Contains either X or 0
21.2 - Contains letters f, u, c, k, in order (not consecutive)
25.5 - Uses exactly 13 letters of the alphabet an odd number of times.
28.1 - Contains exactly 8 i's
31.4 - Contains every letter not contained in poster's username
31.5 - Doesn't contain any letter in poster's username
34.2 - Contains a non-ASCII character
Content/Capitalization rules:
4.5 - Contain both capital and lowercase letters
5.2 - No caps
8.2 - Contain both capital and lowercase letters
12.3 - At least 3 capital letters
18.5 - No caps
Content/Word rules:
3.1 - Include previous poster
3.5 - Odd number of words
4.1 - Doesn't contain "Reyweld" / "reyweld"
6.5 - Spell English word using initials of consecutive (>=3) words
7.1 - Include a unique word (per round)
7.4 - Contain an adjective
12.2 - Contain please
14.5 - Contain weird dog
15.1 - Welcoming to the Space Consortium
19.4 - Every sentence contains unique word of 86 (Megaman)
20.3 - Correctly spell a word with >=4 syllables
20.4 - Contain an invented word
22.3 - Contains a word found in both quoted and non-quoted text
22.5 - Contains title of a Fogel adventure
23.1 - Three words of positive emotion [syntactically correct; semantically incorrect]; [syntactically incorrect]; [3 layers of BBcode]
23.2 - No negatory adjectives, modifiers, or particles
24.2 - Doesn't contain "rule"
25.1 - Only words from xkcd simplewriter
25.2 - Only words constructible from element symbols
25.4 - Word scoring >9 in scrabble, no word scoring =9
26.3 - Contain double letters
28.2 - Contain palindrome of at least three words
28.3 - Contain emotion word
29.1 - Contain an adjective from one GB and battle word from another
29.2 - Doesn't contain "the"
29.4 - Doesn't contain double letters
31.2 - All words are scrabble-legal (OWL2)
33.5 - Include next poster
34.1 - Has word in foreign language
34.3 - Has a shortened form of a word with a different spelling
34.4 - Has a word 3+ syllables without silent letters or dipthongs
34.5 - Doesn't contain "Kieros" or "Keiros"
Content/Semantic rules:
9.2 - Must contain at least one word from each of the three basic tenses, in order.
16.2 - No shitposting, substantive reply to quote
17.1 - Bird-related pun
17.3 - Bug-based wordplay
17.4 - Onomatopoeia
17.5 - Say something nice about a fellow forumite
20.1 - No meta talk
20.2 - Depict a smile
24.5 - Contain a hot new meme
27.1 - Post contains a secret or be secret.
29.5 - Contain a meme that existed before round started
32.1 - Name a fictional thing and describe it
Content/Sentence rules:
1.3 - Post must contain a sentence ending in a period.
3.3 - Ask a question
5.5 - Sentences no longer than 5 syllables
9.1 - Exactly 3 sentences
9.3 - Everything in the post must be contained within sentences that start with the word “I” (in this case, the absence of content is still considered part of the post)
9.5 - Must have at least two sentences with the same word count.
10.4 - 2 lines of iambic pentameter
17.2 - Acrostic, First letter of each line is a word
18.1 - Sentences no longer than 5 syllables
19.1 - Exactly 8 sentences
19.2 - Complete and unique cycle between last letter of one sentence and first of another
21.3 - At least 2 sentences
21.5 - Start every sentence with the letter of the previous
22.2 - Seventeen syllable sentence
23.3 - Each two sentences must end with the same syllable
24.4 - 3 sentences with alphabetically consecutive letters
25.3 - Longest sentence must have word lengths starting 3,1,4,1,5
30.2 - All sententences have same number of words
30.3 - Sentences in alphabetical order
30.4 - Post when reversed must also be in alphabetical order
30.5 - All sentences under 140 characters
Content/Post rules:
8.1 - Post must be between 8 and 16 characters
12.4 - Shorter than 80 pixels
22.4 - Nonquoted text at most 140 characters
26.5 - Define: "segment" to be letters between pre and post. Segment must be an anagram of previous post's segment.
Content/Number rules:
7.3 When all the numbers in the post are added up the result must be greater than ten and even.
Content/Smiley rules:
1.2 - 2 different ET smilies
4.3 - More ET smilies than previous post
13.4 - 4 different smileys, 6 total smileys
16.5 - Non ET smiley
[Format rules:]
Format/Misc rules:
6.4 - At most 3 BBcode tags
26.4 - No BBcode
Format/Quote rules:
1.4 - Quote g0m
2.3 - No quotes
13.5 - Emptyquote unless username contains X, then double emptyquote
14.4 - No quotes
16.1 - Quote another post in thread
21.4 - Inaccurate quote box
22.1 - Quote another post out of thread
28.4 - Quote the host but alter the post in a different but recognizable way
29.3 - Quote the entire text of the introductory round
Format/Spoiler rules:
2.1 - Contains spoiler
14.1 - Entirely in spoiler tag
Format/Color rules:
12.1 - Colorful text
13.3 - Background tag for the whole text except last word
19.3 - Background/color combo unique
24.1 - Post in the same color text as the last judgement post
32.2 - Contains two background/color combos where the background of one is the color of the other and vice versa
Format/BIU rules:
4.4 - Bolding or italics but not both
13.2 - Bold, underline, italic in that order
Format/Size rules
5.4 - Edited text size (sub/sup counts)
18.2 - Edited text size (sub/sup counts)
Format/Video_Link rules:
11.4 - No videos
12.5 - Contain a hyperlink
15.3 - Attempt to trick
32.4 - Contains embedded rickroll (or a link to)
33.4 - Links to itself
Format/Picture rules:
5.3 - Contains image
8.5 - No images
10.1 - Picture of a reptile
10.2 - Reptile must be primarily blue
11.2 - No images
15.2 - Contain picture of weird dog
18.3 - Contains image
20.5 - Contains visual art
24.3 - Contain glittertext
[Meta rules:]
Meta/Edit rules:
33.2 - Unedited at time of judging
Meta/Signature rules:
1.5 - Post must not include signature
Meta/Subject rules:
2.5 - Post subject edited
26.1 - Post subject doesn't contain re
Meta/Time rules:
4.2 - Time is not 2 mod 10
31.1 - Post must be made at least 1 hour after previous
Meta/PostNumber rules:
10.3 - Post number must be odd
14.2 - Post number is prime
14.3 - Post contains its own post number
21.1 - Not part of a doublepost
30.1 - Total alphabetic value sums to post number
31.3 - Total post length in characters divides post number
32.5 - Contains a number of made-up words equal to post number mod 100
33.3 - If a post has a positive integer, let the first occurrence be X; the post X posts later passes this rule
Meta/Supermeta rules:
11.5 - You can break another rule if you post a fox
15.4 - Rules 1-3 fulfilled in previous post
15.5 - Break exactly one of rules 1-3
33.1 - Follow rule 1 from your most recently hosted ruleset / autopass if none hosted